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'Good bye(잘 가)!', My Love.. Until We...

김형준 21 1149
The life span of each relationship varies and we know
that through the experiences we've had. We wish that
a sweet, wonderful one lasts forever not ever facing
torrents and rough hills. Sadly to say, though, hardly
any relationship continues the way we want it. In order
that we prevent ourselves from getting hurt we play all
kinds of tricks to distract our own minds from the eventual
colliding course, only to see the attempts always fail.

Letting go may not be easy at all for certain people and
they at times do bizaar things totally unpredictable. Time
settles things most of the time and people willingly or
reluctantly move on and lead a life which takes the turns
which they never dreamed of taking. These mysterious
adventures surely make life worth living, although they
corner us with no exit out at the moments when we hope
only opportune things happen. Cry your eyes out when
you don't see a light shining on you any time soon and
don't cry again for a long time.

Even if life sucks you have to take it on with no fear and
come out of the battle as the winner. Love is always good,
but there is time for one to say 'good bye!'. 'Saying those
two words is harder than taking one's own life when the
other party is someone you are completely in love with and
you are not ready to let the relationship go. But there is a
time for everything. If a relationship ran its entire course,
no matter how short it may have been, we have to resort to
the universal wisdom of letting things be and embark on
a new journey, not just for our sake but also for the one(s)
we deeply care for. Protecting both parties from hurt may
not be possible, but we have to take the best option not
to leave untreable scars.`
김형준 2007.03.16 11:51  
  It's been a while since I wrote in English, even though
I so clearly know that one has to keep on practicing
to maintain or improve one's skills. Writing itself is not
that easy in any language, but once you get into the
habit of doing so and learn how to do that properly
you will never regret for taking so much time for it.

Learning is knowing to be patient
Until you finally taste the sweet juice.
김형준 2007.03.16 12:35  
  Time to say good bye is always sad,
but those 'goods byes' sometimes bring us
wonderful disguised blessings.

Who knows what the future may bring us.
Falling is the time to try to get back up,
and up we stay and become stronger.
김형준 2007.03.16 15:18  
  My love for English is ever hot, but
the limited time given to me must be divided
for a few 'must' things I can't avoid.
I need to find a way to merge the interests
so that I will again live with English at all times.
What will be the most effective way for me
to mix music, poetry, writing and English into
one grander theme which will be the umbrella
under which I may breathe without being suffocated.
김형준 2007.03.16 15:53  
  Saying 'no' is so hard when we know that
the answer may hurt the feeling of the listener.
If there is some other better way to relay the
'negative' message I am sure we will lose no
time and have no hesitation to use it.

But sometimes we simply have to say 'NO!'
to send no ambiguous message regardless of
the repercussions that it may create.

Such is life!
김형준 2007.03.16 21:02  
  I almost said 'good bye!' to someone so dear to me
tonight. I am glad I changed my mind about one hour
before the meeting. How great is the power of the
positive thinking turned out to be. I am now determined
to at least reinterpret whatever adverse things may be
into those whole a lot more positive.

I love myself for the positive decision I made
김형준 2007.03.17 05:59  
  I got quite defensive today in order not to get hurt.
Getting hurt is not something easy to deal with for me,
which proves that I am no masochist. Pain is no fun,
except when one works hard to achieve the set goals
and reach the final destination laid out.

A happy picture! That was what I created, instead of
a painful, ugly one that could have included awkward,
petty fight that would have gotten me nowhere.

Bingo! I was very proud of myself.
Less judgmental me! New me! Less sensitive me!
김형준 2007.03.17 14:40  
  Bon voyage!
A friend of mine will be going on a trip to China.
I did not ask her where she will be visiting in the country.
I guess, there will be plenty of time for me to do so,
when we get together next time. Hope she will have
a wonderful time on that journey.

Are you there somewhere reading this message?
If you do I'd love to say to you
 'Have a wonderful trip!'
김형준 2007.03.19 19:21  
  No island was found on the streets of the metropolitan,
until the death throes of the aliens was teeming all over.
Love was no more, peace was kissed good bye.
김형준 2007.03.19 22:41  
  Nobody will understand somebody who wants to
create his(/her) land encroaching upon other people's
space. How can they? Being selfish will not get any
person anywhere. Being empathatic and encompassing
will be the best policy in gaining genuine friends in the
long run.
김형준 2007.03.20 00:02  
  Love is everything we've been seeking.
That word contains all the good stuff we need
in order to create balance in the relationships
we have in conjunction with all the surroundings.

Are we truly ready to love
Are we too selfish or scare to put
into practice that most precious thing
in the entrie universe?
김형준 2007.03.20 11:20  
  The celebration is going to happen and drag
behind all the exciting things that are bound to come.
Changes are singing to be made for the progress.
No visionaries are found, which means things
will remain status quo. The leaders will have to
face their limits and hand over the leadership to
the ones that are may be multi-talented for
the sake of a better tomorrow.
김형준 2007.03.20 22:38  
  Some people just never give up. We know that the
future of some of them will never be bright, but it's
destiny that they keep on going. Why is that? Well,
who knows. False name, vainglory, recognition....
On and on.. They go ahead ruin their lives and others.
김형준 2007.03.20 23:13  
  No answer is a good answer
when one does not feel like responding
or does not know how to answer.
Providing a non-sensical response is
no good as it shows one's stupidity.
It's not that surprising that there are
so many selfish, unattractive ones
who think money is the only answer
when it's absolutely not true.
Love and sharing is it.
김형준 2007.03.21 11:27  
  Friendship is not something one can force.
Just as love relationship friends know each other.
I know, I know. One has to work hard to get
the friendship continue, but like-minded people
come to appreciate each other. An instant
liking can happen even between two people
of the same sex, with no sexual feelings toward
each other. Friends show care and affection
for each other and are willing to sacrifice
some of his own stuff for his friend. Love and
friendship can take one a long distance.
김형준 2007.03.21 12:11  
  Sunflowers can't survive with no sun.
Moon is not good enough for them
'cause they are accustomed to the bright light
from the sun. When the sun is about to set
and loses its hotness they get fed up with
the weak sun and wait for the newly rising sun.

I am a middle of the roader.
They shout, but they are on the side
of the person with power, regardless of
the side that individual is on.
김형준 2007.03.22 01:13  
  Somebody keeps on trying to force another to do
something against his will. Finally the listener couldn't
take it any longer and told her what's what. The woman
was shocked to know there was at least one person
who has a strong backbone to stand up to her.

The lady may change through that embarassing and
shocking incident.

Behaving oneself is extremely crucial,
especially for those who think they are special people,
whey they know deep down their heart
there are mere human beings with such a clear

김형준 2007.03.23 15:29  
  Possessing more than one can handle is
a burden, but not having enough is a bigger burden
to prove. One has to find ways to have enough to
deal with the close people with not losing
김형준 2007.03.23 17:13  
  You love will stay only if the heavens allows.
Your kindnesswill stay only if your lover holds you true.
Your willingness will stay only if the world keeps you warm.

Love is not to calculate, but to give with no reservation.
Love is not to doubt, but to trust with no limit.

Do you love youself?
김형준 2007.03.23 18:17  
  L word is something that makes him feel shy.
Why is that while he's always so valiant and outgoing?
The secret pleasure of getting his beloved not know
how he feels electrifies him. There it goes - art of love.
김형준 2007.03.23 18:19  
  See you at the top, said someone.
What is the top, said another.
Camillia opened its legs to let the ship pass.
Nostradamus killed Leonardo to keep the secret intact.
김형준 2007.03.24 22:44  
  Love and hate are the feelings most people
have toward some of the former presidents.
Let bygones be bygone. Moving on is crucial
with the past, good and bad, behind us.
Keeping track of what's happened is surely
mandatory, but finding faults with the people
of the same group will hurt many people.