홈 > 커뮤니티 > 자유게시판
연주.감상후기, 등업요청, 질문, 제안, 유머, 창작 노랫말, 공연초대와 일상적 이야기 등 주제와 형식, 성격에 관계없이 쓸 수 있습니다.
단, 영리 목적의 광고성 정보는 금지하며 무단 게재할 경우 동의없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
기존의 회원문단은 자유게시판으로 통합되었습니다.

나의 미국인 로타리언 아버지

김형준 371 4710
          나의 미국인 로타리언 아버지
          (My American Rotarian Dad)

                                                by 김형준

나는 한국인이다. 100%
혼혈은 확실히 아니다.
아버지쪽 분들은 평안북도 선천이 고향이시고,
어머니네 어른들은 충청남도 부여가 고향이시다.

하지만 나는 뚜렷이 고향이라고 말할 만한 곳이 없다.

출생지는 분명 있지만 군인 가족이었던 관계로
태어난 곳에서 만 1년 딱 살고 다른 곳으로 갔다.
그래서 나에게 '고향이 어디세요?'
하며 관심을 가지고 물으시는 분들에게

'제 고향은 대한민국입니다.'라고 대답하고 만다.

안동 찍고, 포천 찍고, 인천 찍고, 진주 찍고,
서울 찍고, 로스앤젤레스 찍고, 양산 찍고...

그렇게 여기 저기를 떠돌며 살았다.

아예 그럴 바에야

전라남북 찍고, 제주 찍고,
충청남북 찍고, 강원 찍고,
경상남북 찍고, 경기 찍고
서울 찍었으면 훨씬 더 좋을 뻔 했다.

"그럼 고향이 진짜로
 대한민국 8도강산이 되는 건데."

(*-*) (*-*) (*-*) (*-*) (*-*) (*-*)
  씨-익!  (미소꽃 피는 예쁜 소리)
(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

에이! 군인으로 사실 바에야
그렇게 8도 유람을 좀 시켜주시지.."

여하간 고향이 '대한민국'이라고
말하는 사람은 아마도 거의 없으리라.
그러다 보니 그렇게 대답하면
언듯 이해가 되질 않는 모양이다.
그렇지만 어쩌랴. 그것이 내 삶의 진실인데.

내가 사회에서 쓰는 이름은 '김경안'
'쇠 금', '경사 경', '편안할 안'
경상도 안동에서 출생하였고,
경상도의 '경', 안동의 '안'을 따왔다.
물론 한자도 마찬가지이다.

그래서 그랬을까.
나는 초등학교 때 부터 안경을 썼다.
내 이름 '경안'을 꺼꾸로 해보시라.
나의 어릴 적 별명이 무엇이었는지는
쉽게 짐작을 하실 수 있을 것이다.

내겐 아버지가 세 분 계신다.
어머니는 딱 한 분 계시고.

오해는 하지 마시길 바란다.
울 엄마가 세 번 시집 가신 건 아니니까. (^-^)
육신의 아버지,
하늘에 계신 하나님 아버지,
나를 아들로 대해주시는 미국인 아버지,

대학을 마치고 유학 준비를 시작했다.
경제력이 없는 집안의 청년 남녀들이
유학갈 수 있는 길은 장학금을 받는 것이다.

"꿈을 꾸자!"

여기 저기 장학금 소스를 알아보며 다녔다.
암흑 속을 헤집고 다니던 느낌이었다.

그러다가 로타리 클럽을 노크하였다.
재수가 좋았나
아님 내 하늘 아버지가 도우셨나.
영어로 모임을 갖는 '서울 로타리클럽'과
인연이 닿아 그네들이 주는
친선 장학금을 1년 받게 되었다.

미국 로스앤젤레스에 위치한
남가주대학교에 가게 되었다.
유학 생활 1년을 지나갈 무렵
장학금도 떨어지고, 그나마 조금
준비해 간 자금도 다 떨어졌다.
유학 전 1년 내내 한국 IBM 등에서 일하며
허튼 데 한 번도 쓰지 않고 모은 것이었는데...

내 얼굴은 진짜 '동안'이었다.
유학 가기 전만해도.
늘 웃음이 떠나지 않는 순진, 순수 그 자체였는데.
주름이 쌓이기 시작했다.
공부를 계속하고 싶었는데
학비도, 생활비도 전혀 없었기 때문이었다.

잘 알지도 못하는 미국분에게 연락했다.
내가 장학생 선발 시험을 볼 때
서울 로타리 클럽의 부회장이셨던 분이다.
인상이 참 좋았다.
서울을 떠나오기 전에
그 분이 살던 여의도 집을 딱 한 번 방문했었다.

내 딱한 사정을 그 미국분께 말씀 드렸다.

한국인인 그 클럽 회장께도 전화를 드렸지만
그저 냉냉한 반응만이 돌아왔다.
예상은 했었지만.
도움이 되고 싶다는 표현도 전혀 없었다.

그 미국분은 서울 소재 '미국상공회의소' 등에도
알아 보시겠단다.
결과는 부정적이었다.

나는 마음이 참 답답했다.
공부를 계속해야 하는데.
다른 길이 보이지 않았다.

애굽(/이집트)에서 노예 생활을 하던
이스라엘 사람들을 이끌고
모세가 광야를 헤맬 때
먹을 것이 없자,
그들이 믿는 신 즉, 여호와 하나님은
하늘로 부터 만나와 메추라기를 보내주셨다.

그렇게 자신을 섬기고 따르는 자들을
늘 챙겨 보호하시는 그 아버지 하나님에 대한
믿음이 그때 내겐 아마도 많이 부족했었던 것 같다.

'어떻게 하나!'

고민에 고민을 더 하다 보니
이마에 주름살만 나도 모르게 늘어가고 있었다.

헌데 며칠 있다가 그 미국분에게서 전화가 왔다.

'How much do you need?'

내 귀가 뻔쩍 뜨였다.

'이게 웬 일이야!
어! 장학금 주는 곳을 못 찾았다 하시더니.'

나는 얼른

'Five thousand dollars!'

하고 말씀드렸다.
정말 겁도 없었다.
'천불'도 많은 돈인데
'오천불'하고 말해 버렸으니.

물에 빠져 죽게 될라치면
지푸라기 한 올이라도 붙든다지만
너무 심했나!

그런데 그분은 정확히 그 금액을 며칠 뒤에
수표로 보내주셨다.

수표가 도착했는데도 내게서 연락도 없고,
자신의 은행에서 그 돈이 빠져나가지 않고 있으니
염려가 되셨나보다. 화를 좀 내셨다.

그렇게 시작된 우리의 첫번째 인연을 요약하는 말은

'How much?'이다.

내가 유학 생활 중 가끔 문안 전화를 드리면
그 분이 내게 묻는 첫번째 질문이 바로
'How much?'였다.

늘 그렇게 그분은 내 삶에 관심을 가져 주셨다.
지금은 은퇴하셔서 미국으로 다시 돌아가셨다.
그리고 그 'How much?'아저씨는 내 아버지가 되셨다.

내가 먼저 'dad', 'son'하자고 한 것이 아니다.
그 분이 내게 그렇게 하기를 원하셨다.
한 번은 미국에 있는 그분 집을 방문하였을 때다.

그 분에겐 친 딸이 한 사람 있는데
그 분 사는 곳에서 3, 40분 떨어진 곳에서 살고 있다.

그 딸이 있는 곳을 그분과 그분의 부인과 함께 갔다.
'Arts & Crafts (수공예품)' 전시회에 구경갈 겸해서
갔다. 마침 그 딸은 자신의 친구와 함께 있었다.
그분의 딸은 내가 한 번도 만난 적이 없었다.
헌데 그 딸은 자신의 친구에게 나를

'This is my Korean brother.'

라고 소개했다. 나는 내심 깜짝 놀랐다.
아마도 그분이 딸에게 자신이 나를 아들처럼
생각한다고 미리 말씀하셨나보다.

그렇게 우리 가족은 태어나서 처음으로 갖는
'이산 가족' 상봉을 그날 했다.
부모님의 생일기념 점심 식사도 나누었고.

나의 미국인 누나가 점심을 샀다.
미래의 언제가 될지는 잘 모르겠지만
또 '가족 상봉의' 기회가 주어진다면
그때는 내가 hosting을 하고 싶다.

아들의 역할을 잘 못하고 있어 정말 죄송스럽다.

나의 그 미국인 아버지는 지금도
미국에서 왕성한 로타리클럽 활동을 하신다.
늘 남 돕는 일 하시는 걸 좋아하는 분이시다.
부인과 결혼하신지 올 해가 꼭 50년 되셨다.

"Happy golden anniversary!"

나는 인간에게 실망을 받을 때마다
그 미국인 아버지를 생각한다.

아무런 조건도 없이 외국인인 나를 사랑해주는 아버지.
내가 공부하면서 어려울 때마다
자신의 부인에게 조차 숨기면서 도와주시던 나의 아버지.

그 분을 생각하면
다른 사람들을 좀 더 이해하고 사랑할 수 있게 되는 것 같다.

하늘 아버지의 사랑과 보호하심,
미국인 아버지의 사랑과 도움,
육신의 부모님의 사랑과 성원으로
6년 반에 걸친 힘든 유학 생활 끝에
언어학 박사 학위를 받았다.

내가 공부를 마치고 귀국할 무렵
그분 댁을 방문하여
'빌린 돈을 어떻게 갚으면 될까요?'
하고 조심스레 물었더니

'내게 갚지 않아도 되.
 자네가 나중에 경제적인 여유가 생기면
 자네처럼 착하고 공부 열심히 하는 사람을
 도와 주면 내게 갚음을 하는 셈이 되는 거야.'

하시면서 활짝 웃어주셨다.
그렇게 그분은 내게
따스하고 자상한 아버지로 다가오셨다.

그 미국인 아버지가 이메일을 보내오셨다.
자신의 아내에 대한 사랑을 표현한 '시'를 한 편 써서
미국 시인협회에 보냈더니 당선되어서
무슨 상패를 보낸다고 했단다.
참 기쁜 일이 아닐 수 없다.

나의 미국인 아버지가 시인이 되셨다.
70세가 넘으신 연세에.

나도 시 쓰기를 즐기는 시인이다.
그래서 내 축하 이메일 속에

'Like father, like son (부전자전)'

이라고 적어 보냈다.

나는 언젠가 기회가 되면
그 아버지에 대한 시들을 여러 편 쓰고 싶다.
영어로도 쓰고, 우리말로도 쓰고.

내 진심에서 우러나오는,
내 마음 속 깊이 감추어져 있는
그 분에 대한 사랑과 고마움을

시로, 수필로, 소설로 고백하고 싶다. 
그토록 착하고 고마운 분에 대해
많은 이들에게 소개하고 싶다.

그리고 내 미국인 아버지가
거의 모르는 외국인이었던
내게 베푼 순수한 사랑과 관심을
다시 누군가와 나누고 싶다.
빨리 내게 경제적 여력이 좀 생겼으면 좋겠다.

드리는 기쁨, 나누는 기쁨이
받는 기쁨 보다 훨씬 더 크다는 것을
나도 이제 늦게나마 서서히 깨닫기 시작하고 있다.

특히 다른 사람에게 알리지 않고
나누는 그 큰 기쁨을..

오른손이 하는 일을 왼손이 모르게 하라!'

바로 내 미국인 아버지가
자신의 'better half'이자
50년동안 가장 친한 벗인
부인에게조차 알리지 않고
나를 도와주신 것처럼.

인간이 다른 인간과 나눌 수 있는
가장 큰 선물인 '사랑'과 '관심'을 가지고
김형준 2006.05.23 21:10  
  Oh, I am so happy to know that there is another English-speaking or at least Englising-writing person who comes to visit this site often. For some reason I have not paid much attention before to the fact that you wrote some of your replies in English to the comments about your postings by your fans.

Mea culpa!

I used to teach English. Now I have some health problems directly caused by the traffic accident that happened in August, 1992. If you do not mind I prefer not to go into details about the accident, for it upsets me all over even to think about it making me feel quite unhappy. I must say I am regaining my faith in God and Jesus through the adversities and sufferings the accident triggered in my life.

I have been trying to devote myself to learning music and writing on various issues as an integral part of my healing process. With music constantly in my life I sometimes write about the methods of English-learning. I hope to publish some books on that issue sometime soon to make a living as well as to help the fellow Koreans become free from the pressure from English-learning they have been under all through their lives.

I do not believe my review on the movie 'Da Vinci Code' is very presentable as I was not able to take time long enough to make it a publishable article. I am kind of considering to publish an article on this issue, but havn't made up my mind yet. If I decide to do that I have to make a major revision to what I wrote or rewrite from the start.

Was what I said in the above a good enough self-introduction for you?
Oh, I do translate once in a while. The traffic accident made me so powerless physically and psychologically to prevent me from finishing up some book-translation project I was involved with for a rather long period of time. I had to summon a lot of courage to add the final touch to completely finish the project. I am pleased to tell you a couple of books which I translated came to be published quite recently. I sincerely thank God for that. Without his love and help I believe I wouldn't have finalized them.

Thank you, my heavenly father!

Now, I guess it's your turn to tell me who you are and what you do. Would you kindly tell me about yourself? I am quite interested in knowing something about a fellow English-user.

김형준 2006.05.23 21:13  
  Oh, the traffic accident took place in 2002, not 1992.
I typed a wrong year. It was summer, 2002.
김형준 2006.05.23 21:15  
  To Mr(/Ms) Gaseumi!
I am puzzled by the fact you removed your reply written in English.
Is there any absolutely necessary reason for your doing so?
김형준 2006.05.23 21:28  
  To Mr(/Ms) Gaseumi!
You may come to the May 29, 2006 gathering
and introduce yourself to me, if you like.
That's one of the easiest ways to get to know more about me,
and vice versa!

Thanks a bunch in advance!
장미숙 2006.05.23 21:59  
  한 사람의 현재에 이렇게 장황한 과거가 필요했군요.
남의 일 같지가 않습니다.
자식놈이 겁장이 엄마의 반대에도 혼자서 미국의 대학 입시 준비를
하고 원서를 넣기 전에 한국의 교수님 몇 분께 서류 검토를
부탁드렸다가 모두에게 거절당하고 서울의 대형 서점에서 만난
외국인에게 부탁하니 단번에 OK 하면서 이메일로 서류를 검토해 주고
원서 접수 요령도 알려주어 학비가 저렴한 8개 주립대학을 택하여
원서를 넣고 합격증을 기다리는데 한 달이 지나도 아무 곳에서도
소식이 없으니 얼마나 초조하던지요.
"이 놈아 국 내 대학에 한 군데라도 원서를 넣지~" 야단치며
에미가 할 일은 기도 뿐..
며칠 후 한 학교에서 오랜지색 합격통지서가 오더니 연달아 8개 대학
비즈니스 학과의 오랜지색 합격증을 모두 받게 되었어요.
잠깐 교만해져 학교를 택해야 하는 고민을 하다가 가정경제 형편상
장학금을 준다는 학교로 마음을 정하여 3년반동안 장학금을 놓지지 않고
학업에 열중 하니 기특합니다.
현재 뉴욕에 있는 그 미국인과는 아주 친한 사이가 되어 왕래하더군요.
김형준선생님처럼 장학금을 주는 미국 아버지나 만났으면 좋겠는데..^^ㅎㅎ
김형준 2006.05.23 22:05  
  I must add to what I wrote in my reply to Mr(/Ms) Gaseumi.
The reason I stopped teaching since the spring of 2005 is
that my health, physical and mental, got deteriorated due to
the traffic accident and all the things that have happened
as the result of the accident. Insomnia and backbone disk
problems for just two of many. I could not continue to teach
effectively without enough sleep and with my back pain
constantly bothering me.
가스미 2006.05.23 23:11  
  So,  what are you doing now ? Just a poet ? or a musician ?
You won’t let us open member’s information about you.
I believe not only me but all of us wants to know you better in other words there are many people may have this question about your real occupation because
It seems you are multitalented to poem, music, writing such a good commentator of Da Vinci code and a most diligent to follow Nemano web,,, all by the lord Jesus’s much graces I trust.
Anyway, I am glad to know you and a bit jealous for you that you have three wonderful fathers which I have only two such as the one is a birth dad who hugged me always in love and the other is of course a holy father who lead me this and will next of my life with invisible touch of intangible love always that merely both fathers are live in heaven now I missed them so much everyday and hour.
Thank you for an opportunity that you deserved me to remind these precious fathers again by your thoughtful writing.
God bless Nemano and You!
바다 2006.05.23 23:33  
  그냥 가슴이 답답합니다.
잘 모르겠어요.
그러나 부럽기도 합니다 ㅎ ㅎ
김형준 2006.05.24 00:12  
아, 아드님께서 미국의 어느 비즈니스 학과를 다니시는 군요.
그것도 지원한 8개 주립대학에서 모두 합격통지서를 받으셨구요.
기다리시는 동안 많이 힘드셨을 것 같아요.
하지만 합격통지서들이 하나, 둘, 셋....넷..다섯..여섯..일곱...여덟...

그럼 그렇지 누구 자식인데!

하는 그 기쁘고 벅찬 기쁨과 자신감!
정말 말로 표현하기 힘든 그런 감동을 느끼셨겠습니다.
미국에는 학부에 경영학과가 있는 드문데 MBA(경영대학원)
프로그램을 아드님이 가셨는지 궁금합니다.
곰곰이 생각해 보니 그런 것 같지는 않군요.
이미 3년 반 다녔다고 하신 걸 보면.
거의 졸업할 때가 되었군요. 3년반 내내 장학금 받으면서.
정말 축하드립니다.!

기억나세요, 지난 번에 백석홀에서 '청소년 가곡 CD'음반 발간
기념 공연할 때 제가 인사드렸는데요. 문이 닫히기 바로 전에
우리 둘이 함께 들어갔습니다만.....
김형준 2006.05.24 00:15  
미안합니다. 가스미님께서 영문으로 리플(Riply)을 달으셔서
영문으로 대답을 드리다 보니 그만.... 바다님 생각을 또

고 보세요. 제가 영어 공부하시는 걸 도와드린다고 했잖아요. (^_^)

바다님께서 학교 선생님이시라는 걸 우연히 알게 되었습니다.
바다님 학생들은 얼마나 행복할까요.

예쁘시고, 시를 포함한 글을 잘 쓰시고, 상냥하시고.....
김형준 2006.05.24 00:23  
  Thanks for putting back on your 'beautiful' writing.
I feel completely relieved. (*_*)

As I preveiously mentioned I am quite happy to know
there is 'at least' one other person among the frequent
visitors to this website, who is qood at communicating
in English. Hopefully it will positively influence and challenge
many others, including Ms. Hara Kang, to join us in our
efforts to make mutual communication in English
their day-to-day thing, which is not tough, but fun.

(^_^) I am still waiting for your kind self-introduction.
Yes! It's now your turn.
Thanks, though, for your earlier quick response.
김형준 2006.05.24 00:27  
  ** A minor correction **

preveiously --> previously
김형준 2006.05.24 00:46  
  I would like to talk about one miraculous sign
that occurred in my life that was without doubt done
by my heavenly father.

As I was suffering from the uncertainty of my future
study God provided a part-time work,
which was to teach Korean language
at the U.S. University where I was studying.

There was not supposed to be that work slot available
considering the limited number of the students enrolled
in the Korean language program.

Jehova sent me the 'manna' and 'quail' for my
daily bread and study. Thanks to be God!

I was able to teach Korean there for four and a half years,
which provided me with the tuition waiver
and some living stipend during the whole period,
and three wonderful summer program opportunities.

Mother in a child's life is indispensible,
but father is equally crucial. Thanks mom & dads!
가스미 2006.05.24 10:24  
  Dear Mr.Kim,  I am sorry to hear that you quit from school for a trouble in your health. I think you were a good teacher that I can see from your knowledgeable writings.  My self-introduction ? there is nothing to show on front.  I am just a father to each of a daughter and a son, my daughter has just married a month ago and I am just trying always to be a good Christian because bible already called me that I am the head of sinners which is right.  I had been lived in N.Y. in the States for a short period as the branch manager there since I was involved in trading before retired.
I am crazy about music especially for religious such as classical baroque types of  Beethoven or J. Hyden  etc.. and I do love Korean Gagok very much such as songs of  “DaeKwanRyung” of Park Kyung Kyu or “live in Chung San(?)” of Kim Yeon Jun etc.. are beautiful songs.  Isn’t it?  I mean the songs ever streaming in my heart.
Perhaps I may try to have a chance to sing one of those in Gagok class hope by fall in this year if its not too much bother to all listeners that I am frankly afraid since I am very busy in these days.
I would like to suggest a sing the number 530 of hymn for you and I am praying for your health to recover soon.  Best regards.
김형준 2006.05.24 14:37  
  Hymn #530 is specifically for the sick, like me. (^_^)
Thank you for the suggestion.

'When Christ of Old With Healing Power'

Thank you for your rather detailed bio as well.
Oh, I guess you forgot to provide your name, though.
May I ask what your real name is?
What do you do for a living, if it's not too inconvenient?
Are you still in trade business
Or Do you occupy your time with something else?
For instance, getting involved with the Lord's mission
On the full-time(/part-time) basis.

Thanks again!
정우동 2006.05.25 06:28  
  한분의 어머니와 세분 아버지의 은덕으로 어려운 6년 반의 유학의
형설지공으로 언어학 박사학위를 취득한 입지전적 성공의 주인공인
김형준 박사님께 마음을 다하여 축하와 경하의 인사를 드립니다.
오래 갈고 닦은 학식과 덕성으로 미국인 로터리언 아버지의 말씀대로
다른 사람에게 베풀어 크게는 살기좋은 세상을 만드는데 공헌하시고
적어도 까놓고 말해 우리 싸이트를 발전시키는데 크게 역할을 맡아
이바지하여 주실것으로 기대하여 마지않습니다.
부디, 김박사께서
앞으로 바라는 바를 다 이루시고 행복하시기를 기원하고 기도합니다.

필시 사족이고말 도청도설을 하나 덧붙입니다.
일본 에도시대 후기에 있은 세 유학자의 이야기로
한 문인이 아름다우면서도 석장 반이나 되는 긴 장문의 글을 쓰서 다른
이의 평판을 구하니 석장 반의 문장을 반장 정도로 줄여 놓았습니다.
감사하다는 인사를 하고 왔으나 속으로 앙앙불락 하면서 자세히 읽어
보니 문장은 짧아졌으나 뜻이 오히려 더 잘 통하여 감탄하면서
고명한 스승의 논평을 구하니 줄인 글이 원뜻도 살리고 아름답다고
칭찬하면서 덧붙혀 그렇게 반 장밖에 안되는 글을 이렇게 널려 석장 반
으로 길게 쓸수 있는 것도 자네의 재간이라고 은근히 타일러 주었다는
이야기를 들은 적이 있습니다.
김형준 2006.05.25 07:29  
왕림하여 주심 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.
여러가지 말씀해 주신 것 마음 속에 깊이 간직하겠습니다.

23회 가곡부르기 안내 엽서를 보내주셔서 고맙습니다.
아는 분들에게 복사하여 함께 나누려고 합니다.

훌륭한 문필가가 되기 위해서는 단문, 중문 그리고 장문을
자유자재로 주제에 따라 오갈 수 있어야 하는데
아직 그런 수준에 이르지를 못하고 있습니다.
말씀 명심하고 열심히 수련하겠습니다.

늘 많은 가르침 주시길 부탁드립니다.
김형준 2006.05.25 07:57  
  근데 사실은 A4용지에 넣으면
몇 장이 되지도 않을만큼의 분량이랍니다. (^_^)

각 줄에 몇 글자 안 넣고 쓰다 보니
이곳에서는 매우 매우 길어져 보이는 것이지요. (*_*)
김형준 2006.05.25 08:35  
  제가 써 놓은 글이 과연 얼마나 길까 궁금해
실험을 해 보았습니다.
아래하 한글 프로그램으로 copy해서 A4용지 사이즈에
저장을 해 보니 3장 하고도 2분의 1이 되는 분량입니다.
'길긴 길구나!'하고 감탄 반 한숨 반의 호흡을 불었습니다. (^)^)
김형준 2006.05.25 11:13  
  Writers have their own preferences.
An American author named Tom Clancy,
whose expertise is 'military, international
conspiracy' in the form of  mytery or thriller
tends to write long. Sometimes up to over 1,200 pages.
THE most well-known Horror writer, Stephen King
also tends to write long, at times making his novels
shorter than usual.

Sidney Sheldon, having worked as a screenplay writer,
have the tendency to write shorter relatively speaking,
measuring rather carefully the length of his works.

John Grisham, a legal thriller writer, falls in
somewhere inbetween.

The styles and sentence structure complexities vary
from a writer to another.

Writers have their own reasons for their preferences,
and has the sole final say on that, for they need to
be totally free as far as their creative writing process
is concerned.

Most people in Korean for one reason or another
write on the short side, not on the long side. I, as a
writer, hope to help the lengthen the span of the
readers' reading breath, thus writing on the longer side,
than most other people.

Thanks and no thanks for one's concern, due to the
fact I clearly believe the writers should be left alone
with their final decision on what kind of writing
style and creative process they maintain. Otherwise,
there may not be a variety, just uniformity making
life rather dull.
김형준 2006.05.25 11:36  
  The book 'Da Vinci Code' written by a guy named
Dan Brown, which is his 4th novel, is 454 pages long
in the Hardcover form, and 560 pages in the Paperback
form, which is almost as twice long as those by
Sidney Sheldon. As I reader I am afraid I do not have
any say about the length of the books by the writers
as they are the creators of the stories and THEY
decide how long the stories will be depending on
the elements THEY want to put in it.
Isn't it kind of impolite to make comments on the things
that need to be decided by the writer 'IN THE PUBLIC
ARENA'. Especially I, the writer, do not have a
relationship with the person of such kind, nor did I
ask for his opinion on that point.
김경선 2006.05.25 18:18  
  저는 언어에, 특히 외국어에 재능이 없어서
긴 글을 접하면 머리부터 아파서
대충 읽는 나쁜 습관이 있습니다.
신은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는다라든지
두드려라, 열릴 것이요는
저도 직접 경험을 했습니다.
 님의 귀한 강의가 매우 소중하게 느껴집니다.
명강의 자주 부탁드립니다.
가스미 2006.05.25 19:48  
  I have tried to make some correction on my last contents but regret that I just learned its unable to put it back to same old location with different time sequence ( yes, I am the zero skill pc)  so I rather removed it as it was not that important subject and I feel also agree with your point that a writer has privilege to end their writing to be where, in other words the length of writings are not important but the quality worth of meaning of one’s writing.
Let’s postpone our goody chats to near future and I hope we can meet each other someday with a bunch of beautiful Gagoks grounded if possible. I wish you recover your back better soon and try jujube tea what is good for insomnia which it make me suffer too very often so please don’t feel bad too much as you have a companion at least from now. ha ^
Have good day!
김형준 2006.05.25 20:21  
자유롭게 우리들의 삶과 생각을
나눌 수 있음을 기쁘게 생각합니다.

음악을 통해 처음 간접적 만남을 가졌고,
이젠 언어를 통해 다시 색다른 만남이 이어집니다.

늘 잘 지내시고,
언제 용기가 나시면 영어로 글을 올리시길 바랍니다.
그럼 제가 금방 댓글을 달겠습니다.


김형준 2006.05.25 20:27  
  Thanks for your kindness and understanding!
I have not had one day of normal sleep which
lasts 6-9 hours without getting awaken in the
middle of the night since the traffic accident.

I am sorry that you also undergo the same problem.
I wonder what caused it in your case.

I will try jujube tea to see if it will be of any help.
I desparately need some 'sound' sleep
as my brain is constantly in a half-asleep &
half-awaken state.
I suppose you understand what I try to say.

Take care and let's keep in touch!
Probably Dr. Kyungseon Kim may join us
in our communication done in English
once in a while.

I do earnestly hope that many of the
Namano members may join us in our endeavor, too.

Thank you!
김형준 2006.05.26 22:24  
  By the way,
are you coming
to the next week's Korean art song sing-along meeting?

If you do I guess
that's the venue of our first encounter.
If you don't
then we wait until another opportunity to come.

There is a time to meet,
There is a time to wait.

There is a time to laugh,
There is a time to cry.
김형준 2006.05.26 22:35  
  "God helps those who help themselves"
through the ordinary and extraordinary things.

"Knock, then it will open."
Without making an attempt to get things done
We may never know if we are actually equipped
with the abilities that are needed to achieve a specific goal.

Even if thea hard task at hand
seems to be something insurmountable
Just keep at it and pray with sincerity.
You may be surprised
with the things that come about at the result.
김형준 2006.05.26 22:57  
  I guess I overcame the fleeting 'uneasy' feeling
I had, which was caused by someone's
unnecessary, not-called-for comment.

I do believe without doubt he meant well.
He wants me to do well and become a help
for the projects he's involved with.

So now I feel fine about that,
and it's time to move on.

Life is real short.
No time to get upset too long.
김형준 2006.05.27 00:30  
  I honestly hope that there are some more
English-writing people who visit the site often
and are willing to communicate in English
with me and Mr. Gaseumi.

In the beginning it strikes as something real hard
to achieve that, for they are not used to doing so.

"No pain, no gain!"

"Do not be afraid of making mistakes."

We already know that

"failure is the mother of success"

Those who are scared of making mistakes
sometimes don't even try even though
they are overqualified.

"Let's give a shot!"
김형준 2006.05.27 10:27  
  One time my American dad took me to a Rotary club
meeting. The club is exclusively all black. They met
somewhere in downtown of a relatively big city in the
West Coast. A beautiful town.

The purpose of the visit to the club was to have the
members make donations for good Rotarian causes
like scholarship. I gave a brief speech as a former
ambassadorial scholar.

I was somewhat hesitant at the prospect of visiting
an all-black club, but it turned out that the people
there were very nice and down-to-earth.

My dad seemed to be proud of me, for giving the
heartfelt little speech. I was pleased to give dad
a little something to be proud of me for.  삭제 | 05.27
김형준 2006.05.27 10:37  
  I've known a gathering of amateur singers,
All male, singing Korean art songs, Italian &
German art songs, Opera Arias, etc.
They may be called real manias,
willing to spend a large amount of money
for the lessons and concert-giving.
Some of them are medical doctors,
some of them entrepreneurs.

I am asked to come to their rehearsal
and sing a couple of songs before them.
I am debating whether to sing
in counter-tenor(/fasetto) voice or not.
I must admit that I am not that well trained
as a counter-singer, but I have to try
it at least once and I deem that this is
a timely opportunity in my singing life.

I memorized 'memory' from the musical
'cats' to sing and may sing 'preghiera'
in such a small, penetrating voice.
김형준 2006.05.27 11:05  
  This is one small spot where we may be left alone
to make our own 'free' comments without any

Being creative means to look at the same thing
from different angles coming up with unique
perspectives. Following what others do blindly
will never make us be creative.

We need to be aware of what's going on
in and around us and come to be a good observer
to get to understand better of the going-ons.
가스미 2006.05.27 11:23  
  Do you mean 5/29 sing-along class ? sorry, I won’t be make it
as preoccupied with others,  perhaps I will try later as commented above in my contents.
Yes, life is short !  Its not even enough time to love each others
Thus we should forget faster any bitterness but slow for joys
The Bible also said:
Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs….
( 1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
I hope you stay in peace for long and walking with Jesus.
Have a nice weekend!
김형준 2006.05.27 11:30  
  I see.
We have to wait for another time.
Love embodies the wholeness of
Jesus' teaching.

"Love your neighbors as your own body."

Most of us try to do anything and everything
to stay healthy and fit.
Can we put it as much time and energy
for our neighbors as we do for our body.

Whenever reciting the "Lord Prayer"
the very thing that bugs me is the part
'Forgive us as we forgive those who
trespassed against us'
since I often fail to forgive
while I ask for forgiveness to the heavenly father
for all the wrong things I do.

"Forgive and forget is very wholesome."
김형준 2006.05.27 11:55  
  Thanks for the quote from 1 Cor 13.
I love that chapter
even if I always fail to put that into practice fully.
I may sing the gospel song of that theme
for you if and when a right time and place are found.

As a matter of fact,
that chapter was what I shared 
with some people a few weeks ago
in our English bible study.

'Mind is willing, but body is weak!'

That kind of sums up the poor state
we humans are in during our lifetime.
김형준 2006.05.27 13:41  
  At this moment
I am listening to a song by Bellini
called 'Dolente Imagine di Filla Mia'.
It's sung by L. Pavarotti.

I've never heard Luciano
using his falsetto voice up until now.
He sounds so cute using 'il falsetto voce'.
김형준 2006.05.27 22:01  
  I went to a place where a group of male
semi-professional singers got together
to sing. It's a once-a-month thing and
I was very grateful for the person who kindly
asked me to come over.

I sang first 'Preghiera' by Tosti. I half-memorized
the piece, but without much confidence I held
the piece in my hands. It was a big mistake as
my body started shake all over at the half-way.
Oh, pathetic me!
I decided to sing 'memory' from the musical 'Cats'
instead of 'Dolente imagine di Filla mia' by Bellini
just because I almost memorized the former
and I believe it was the right decision. I believe
I sang 'memory' a lot better than the first one I sang.

Well, what can I say? The other guys all take lesson
on a regular basis, but I don't.

Someday I may become better than most of them.
Most of them are at a level where they are quite comfortable
with singing opera arias. That's how much they,
the amateur singers, care about music.
김형준 2006.05.27 23:19  
  Tonight's singing event was fun.
The participants' list:
  Two medical doctors,
  Three professors,
  Three businessmen,
  One writer,
  One Austrian,
  One American living in Japan

It was a fun meeting.
I guess I will dare to go next month.
If I do I will surely memorize the songs to sing
and perform better.
김형준 2006.05.28 03:17  
  I know a psychiatrist who has his clinic in Seoul
where he treats patients who have some mental

He's having a joint concert today for the mentally
handicapped people. Some of the program
participants are professional singers
and some non-professionals harmonizing
together for a good cause.

I think it's an interesting event for an amateur singer
like me, but I am not certain if I can go to the
place where they have that event on time
as I have something to do up until the time when
it's supposedly half past. Well, if I do not feel
too exhausted I guess I will do my utmost to
be there and root for the folks I know.
김형준 2006.05.28 03:52  
  Oh, I believe I should mention the fact
that one medical doctor came to Seoul
via KTX last night from Chungnam Area
just for the sake of singing at the
semi-professional gathering.

Just for that reason!
Can you believe that!
Once every month!

He went back to the same region
where he lives as well again by KTX
after having had the dinner.

You can see how enthusiastic he is
about singing. He is totally devoted
to it. How amazing! He gave up consulting
the patients in the Saturday afternoon
to be with his fellows singers and sing.
He is a really good singer with quite
well-trained sound-producing techniques.

Viva singers!
김형준 2006.05.28 09:36  
  Between singing and English learning
there is a clear commonality.

One must keep up with both,
if one wants to stay good or improve.

Once one stops to be intrested
and leave it alone.
English or singing skills will leave the person
and move on to another person with zeal.

"Stay focused and keep on trying!"
김형준 2006.05.28 22:34  
  Thank God!
I was able to go to the concert for the mentally handicapped.
The place they had the performance was Kyungdong presbyterian
church which is about five minutes away from the Dongkuk
subway station heading toward the Dongdaemun stadium.

Kyngdong church is so closely realated to the church I go to,
but today's visit was the very first time for me to be there.
Arichitecturally speaking it's such a fanstastic-looking building,
but functionally it wasn't that comfortable to be there.
The main sanctuary gave me the impression of a tomb.
An elder of that church, who hosted tonight concert and
is a psychiatrist, said the building modeled after catacomb,
the place where the first Christrians hid themselves to
protect and spread their religion.

I was glad to stay on until the snack time and met the three
guys who performed tonight. I know them personally and
wish I will continue to get associated with them. They are
my singing buddies and very nice people.

Someday I may be one of them singing for a good cause
as the one they had for tonight concert.

I am proud of you, folks!
I admire your singing ability as well.
김형준 2006.05.29 07:54  
  Another singing day!
Sing along!
Singing together with other people
is something really fun.

Some people sing loud, some less loud.
We all do sing our heart out.

I will do my best to pay a close attention to
the words as I myself am a wordsmith.

I hope raining will not keep people from coming.
Without the participants, there is no meeting.
We have to learn to respect all of them.
김형준 2006.05.29 08:04  
  'Kakopa' (the second part) is a lenthy song,
but very pleasant to sing. The only problem is
that it's not that easy to memorize all the words
in case someone wants to sing without looking
at the piece. Someday I'd love to sing both of
the first and second parts out of memory.

If I can do that without any major mistake
that will be a treat for anyone.
김형준 2006.05.29 08:09  
  I asked the people who I share some time with
in my efforts to help them with English to listen
to CNN news or movies or drams in English
for at least fifteen minutes daily. One of the several
people said she did. She honestly said that
she hardly understood.

"At least she took the first step!"

I hope the other members follow her suit.
Doing something everyday diligently
will help get them somewhere.
Without their knowing their English listening
ability will improve a lot.

"Have faith in the things that you can't see yet!"
김형준 2006.05.29 10:49  
  Please try to be with English
for fifteen to twenty minutes everyday.
It will certainly pay off a big time,
in case you've been wanting to
improve your English (all through your life).

What have you done to improve your singing skills.

'Walk slowly, but steadly.
 Never stop and move on and on and on
 to reach your final destination.
 Good luck!'
김형준 2006.05.29 10:55  
  When I first started
seriously interested in English
I watched a program called 'Night Line',
which was a talk show on the issues
of rather 'heavy' current affairs.

The host of the show was Ted Copple.
They showed a report on a certain issue
and Mr. Copple invited two people, each
representing the opposite views. Even though
I did not understand much what they were
talking about I was fascinated and finally 'hooked'.

I one time thought I wanted to become
a TV talk show host like Copple
and desired to speak English like him
and end up becoming as intellectual as him.

I guess I'm getting there as far as
the last two wishes are concerned.

"Set the goal and run straight toward it!"
김형준 2006.05.29 11:01  
  Some may be puzzled by what I do here.
Look at it this way!
If I wrote fourty some individual articles
or stories at any section of the site
it would have been innundated with them
and everyone would have felt overwhelmed
and possibly disgusted by it, simple because
of the number.

I just pack so many stories under one story.

"Story within one and within another,
and so on, and so forth."

This way those who are determined
to get something out of my endeavor
may get a positive experience
and no harm done for those who
are indifferent to English, nor have
enough ability to consume my
brainchildren presented hereby.
김형준 2006.05.29 11:06  
  A couple of my Christian acquaintances
told me recently that they went to see
the movie 'Da Vinci Code' and didn't
find it insulting in the religious sense.
Well, deep down there are some
controversial issues hidden in the movie,
but it's hard to think them through
during the viewing.

Another Christian honestly said
she is reluctant to see it,
for she is afraid that the experience
may hurt her faith.

"Only those whose faith
does not get tested and get them atray
may want to go through
the test."

"Do according to your faith!"
김형준 2006.05.29 11:26  
  I've been wanting to read a book
called 'The Name of the Rose'
by Umberto Eco. sometime ago
I was able to purchased it
at a megabookstore downtown Seoul.
My time has been used for some
tasks at hand and music constanly
demands my time lately taking the time
away from reading.

I must get back to continue with
my reading. Without reading
I do not believe I can stay ahead of
the intellectual game.

I guess those in the know can figure
out what I meant by 'the intellectual game'

I read another book by U. Eco titled
"Foucault's Pendulum", which I found
quite challenging and intriguing.
Eco is definitely somebody to model after.
김형준 2006.05.29 16:45  
  Memorizing the word of the songs
is for some reason not that easy.


Are my memories rapidly fading?

"The older one gets
the weaker the memorizing power gets."
김형준 2006.05.29 16:55  
  One of the people I know closely in a way
asked me to come and help his organization
to get the right to host an int'l meeting.
I did my best to help him and the group.
They were able to have the right to host it.

One of the folks preparing for the lobby
asked me to go over his speech in English
which he was to give at a meeting in Germany.
I helped him out with it
even though what he drafted was horrible
almost rewriting the whole thing.
I do not believe he expressed his gratefulness
in an appropriate manner. I let it pass that time.

Some of the people in that organization
will be attending an int'l meeting held
in Sweden in early June and the same guy
was given to give a two-minute speech.
He left a written message at my cell phone
without any message except a cell phone no.

He is not someone I meet or talk often,
thus I did not know who it was that left
the message. I wondered who will leave
a message like that without saying who
(s)he was. I called and it was he.

He wanted me to edit his speech.
I flatly refused saying I am busy.
I am indeed busy.
I did not want him to think
that I am just there for him
whenever he needs a translator,
in his case someone who does
things for free.

"Expressing one's gratitude
when he gets help from someone else
will positively deepen the relationship."

"Be grateful for no matter how small
the help one gets!"

김형준 2006.05.30 10:03  
  We witness people of different types.
Some people are always polite,
some always rude.

Last night's meeting brought the latter kind
into my life.

A guy made very insulting remarks
two, three months ago toward me.
I let it pass that time.

Maybe I should not even talk to him any longer,
for he's certainly not a culured man.

My natural propensity, though, prohibited me
from being indifferent to the others.
So I pleasantly talked to him last night.
The reward for my kindness was verbal abuse.

I was upset, but I missed the timing.
Maybe from now on I need to learn
how not to associate with such people,
in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
김형준 2006.05.30 10:17  
  I received two poetry books by the same auther.
The name of the poet is Ms. Sarah Oh.
She came to the Korean art song singing meeting
last night as the writer of the song 'The Garden
in my Heart'. She kindly signed her book for me.
I want to read her poems with delight and care.
She turned out to be a good public speech maker.

I certainly enjoyed her presence.

Thank you so much, Ms. Oh!
김형준 2006.05.30 11:05  
  Every single chance to sing is now
very precious to me since I embarked
on my journey to be a good singer,
primarily for the glory of God.

It seems to me God is guiding me
to a direction he wants.

Mental recession, autistic tendency,
sleeplessness, etc came with
the 2002 traffic accident.

Why the accident?
Why, why and why?

God's will be done.
김형준 2006.05.30 11:56  
  I keep waiting and I continue to hope
some more people post their articles
here in this section so that this piece
will move to the next page.

I intend to keep on writing things
here, not bothering any person.

In any society or community
there are some people who are
different from most people.

I suppose I am becoming like that
here in this Naemano community
in the sense that my articles tend
to be (a lot) longer than those by
the others and I leave lots of replies
to my own work. Last, but not the least
I sometimes write things in English.
Well, here at this confined space
I write mainly in English.

I kind of wonder if there is even
a single person who read all the things
I've written here in English.

Maybe only Mr. Gaseumi?
If there were to be another person,
possible Dr. Kyungseon Kim?

Even if I am the only reader for all the things
I write here that's fine with me.
My English composition will improve
this way by writing on and on and on.
김형준 2006.05.30 14:06  
  Dear Mr. Gaseumi!
How are you?
The singing gathering for the month of May
went well. I did summon enough courage
to sing in front of all the people,
especially on the STATE!

I am fighting against the problems caused by
the traffic accident, especially of the
strong urge to be alone and to stay away
from the crowd feeling uncomfortable.

God's teaching me to be with the people,
even though I go through difficulties of

Please come here anytime
and put in your thoughts and ideas,
in English if possible.
김형준 2006.05.30 14:12  
  Dear Mr. Gaseumi or any reader(s)!
Please feel free to comment
to any of the things I wrote in the above
or talk about anything you like.

'Life is short, thus a lot more beautiful.'
김형준 2006.05.30 14:41  
  I'm listening to 'Aega' by composer Myeongpho Kim.
Dr. Kyungseon Kim introduced me to the composer,
I mean not personally face-to-face but musically
by giving me the piece for a song called 'Dwibyeori

'Aega' is a beautiful song, sung by a soprano.
Yesterday another acquaitance of mine gave
me the piece for 'Dwibyeori Sarang' without knowing
that I already have a copy. I decided to accept it
inwardly thanking for her care.

I'd lived in Jinju for about six years growing up
with beautiful memories. Most song by compose Kim
presented here at this site about about the city of Jinju.
Maybe I will seriously learn 'Dwibyeori Sarang'
and sing it at a special place someday
reminiscing upon my old life in the city.
김형준 2006.05.30 14:44  
  I am really happy to meet the composers and poets
at the Naemano meetings. They are good people
with beautiful hearts.

Without the artists the world is like a desert
symbolically speaking.
We must find a way to help them have secure lives
and devote their time fully to creating their artwork.
김형준 2006.05.30 15:29  
  To ceaselessly try to learn,
especially things that count,
is such a fantastic thing.
It keeps people stay young
and enthusiastic.

I love the people who are
attracted to reading.
Books are a lot better in a way
a lot more effective in educating oneself
as one can pick out the books
to their satisfaction anytime and anywhere.

We never stop to learn in our lives.
However, to have the learning process
more efficient one has to have the willingness
and initiative to unstoppingly go ahead
with the training on the permanent basis.
김형준 2006.05.30 16:38  
  Happiness is something relative, not absolute.
It is also subjective, not objective.

Are you happy at this moment, dear reader?

Hope you are. I certainly am for the moment.

Take things easy
and deal with things one at a time.

"There is a will, there is a way."
김형준 2006.05.30 16:58  
  I have a small, but firm goal for singing.

'Sing 'gagopa' (the 1st and 2nd aprts)
at the Masan Korean art song gathering.

Of course, all out of memory!
It's best to sing without the help of the music piece.
김형준 2006.05.30 17:26  
  English is the best kind of music to me.
I was a non-speaker of English
up until the end of my sophomore year in Univ.

I started changing, or I must say
I've begun to know what I was capable of
after I joined the military.

We may never know what kinds of talents
God equipped us with up until we tap into
the hidden resources in us.
김형준 2006.05.30 17:38  
  Taking things for granted is something unrecommendable.
It's all the more not good if one is indebted to another.

People who provide cultural, scholastic service
must not be considered lightly.
Their service was made possible
by their dediction to their expertise
through years and years' efforts.
김형준 2006.05.30 20:26  
  It's detrimental to stay upset.
One has to find some ways
to let out the negative feeling.

I just had one of those things
last night. I decided to go at it
today and I solved the problem
quite quickly drawing out
an apology from the guy
who acted rudely toward me.

I guess now I can move on
with other things.
김형준 2006.05.30 20:30  
  Tomorrow is the election day
to elect the local officials.

It was unfortunate that the leader
of the main opposition party.
I was relieved to see that she
was not fatally wounded.

Hope good, qualified people
will be chosen and they do a good
job for the people they represent
and the entire nation.
김형준 2006.05.30 21:17  
  Life takes interesting turns
without asking for the players' approval.

The players find themselves at a loss
not knowing what kind of moves they
have to make to get ahead and lead
a good life.

Well-organized people have better chances,
it seems to me, statistically speaking
to make a successful life.
김형준 2006.05.30 21:46  
  I just got some copies of a music score,
which was published by a u. press.
It is geared for being used by foreigners
and those who want to sing without
an actual pianist accompanying them.
There is a CD which contains the piano

Why did the publishing place send
me some copies?

The reason is simple.
For I was involved with the project,
about ten years ago.
김형준 2006.05.30 21:49  
  There seems to be some people
who are real manias of music.
They love to be with music,
whenever possible.

A friend of mine will be going to
Viena this coming month
planning to stay there for a month.

A mutual friend of ours whispered to my ear
that he will be auditing some opera rehearsal
class at the National U. of Austria.

The guy is over sixty years old,
but full of passion for music.
He is definitely someone to be looked upon.
김형준 2006.05.30 22:14  
  I may need to get in touch with the American
fellow from Japan, who sings with another
professor who teaches at a univ. somewhere
in Chungchung area. The Korean prof.
is really good at singing, and the American
is also getting there. They are almost same age.

The American fellow asked me to have
a cup of coffee or tea with him. I may give
him a phone call one of these days.
김형준 2006.05.31 07:36  
  What makes people tick?
It varies from one person to another.
The motivating factors are different.
Some are driven by money, power, greed, honor....

What do you live for?

Time does not wait for us to answer the question.
We just have to move along with it
see if we can come up with our own raison de etre.
김형준 2006.05.31 07:42  
  One time I won the first prize in an TOEIC exam.
Gosh! That's ages ago. (haha!)

According to a guy I had been a legend for a while
for the students of the univ. I graduated from.

I got almost a max point on TOEFL.
I can't say exactly the highest score,
but a friend told me that mine was the Asian best
at that time.

Have I ever attended a language school
to improve my English?

The answer is
"Never in my entire life!"

"Not even once?"
"No, not even once."
김형준 2006.05.31 07:46  
  While I was studying in Los Angeles
I was thinking of studying several languages.

In high school I did not pay any attention
to the languages that I studied: English & Japanese.

The school was a vocational high school for trade
and business.

Why did I not concern myself with the foreign languages?
"Folks, I am afraid I can't answer the question.
 I simply did not make any conscientious effort
 to learn. I was not a passionate learner in high school.
 That.s all!"
김형준 2006.05.31 08:09  
  People often ask me of how to improve
their English skills.

I patiently tell them what they can do
as a starter.

I guess most people are not patient enough.
If I tell them to watch CNN news 10-15 mins per day
they say 'I don't undertstand anything'
and stops doing so within a week.

Acquiring foreign languages may not
be that difficult as long as one is willing to
get on with the training on a long term basis.
김형준 2006.05.31 08:16  
  I decided to attend the church on campus
when I first went to the U.S. to study.
The minister was a femal Methodist one.
She was kind and warm-hearted.

The church was not that big, but cosy enough.
It was not the first time for me to attend
an English-speaking church.

I attended an English-speaking church
for a couple of years in Seoul, which
gathered together at Chosun hotel that time.
김형준 2006.05.31 08:20  
  During the service sometimes
amateur musicians sang
and played musical instruments.

The number of the people participating
was not big, but it was like a family gathering.

What made me feel embarrassed was
that there was a reception right after the service.

Some light snack and people standing around
creating a circle.

I did not know what to talk about
while most other people went around
freely exchanging pleansatries with each other.

I was rivited to one spot and had to wait for
others to come and talk to me.

It was quite annoying not to know
what to talk about.

That was the biginning of learning of a kind.
김형준 2006.05.31 08:40  
  Even though the church
had less than fifty attendants
it had interesting make-up.

An african black, a French,
a Chinese, some Latin Americans,
me a Korean, of course Cocasians

Every worship service was
a learning experience for me.

I was curious then
and even more curious now.
I always love to observe
what's going on around me.
김형준 2006.05.31 08:44  
  The school had a cathlic gathering,
and a jewish gathering.
Normally as an explorer
I would have tried to at least visit
those places once,
but I was for some reason not motivated
to do so.

Shame on me!
김형준 2006.05.31 08:47  
  I met a couple at the u. church.
The husband was working at the
audio & visual center as the director
and the wife a nurse.

She was taking courses
to become a registered nurse.

He was a racket ball player,
and one time he invited me
to play racket ball
with himself and two other friends.

It was my first time playing racket ball.
Was it fun?
Well, let me put it this way.
I hit one of the other guys with the ball
and he was a professor of something
at the u.

Go figure!
김형준 2006.05.31 08:55  
  There was a Chinese fellow,
a constant presence in the church.

He was short, old and not good-looking.
But he grows on you, if you let him.

He still had a strong Chinese tonal accent,
but he did not have any major problem
expressing himself with English.
He, as any other person, went around
chatting with the other guys.
He showed some interests in me
probably because I was another Asian.

Looking back upon those days
I thank him for come and talk to me
during the reception time.
김형준 2006.05.31 08:58  
  The guy from France was very skinny and shy.
He was a graduate student majoring in
some kind of engineering.

His main interest was to study 'tsunami',
that is the 'tidal wave'.

At that time I did not know anything about
the 'killer wave' and he had to patiently
explain what it was and what the origin of
the word 'tsunami' was. The word itself
is Japanese.

He was kind and friendly
even though he was introverted in a way.
김형준 2006.05.31 09:01  
  His name was Philip.
He sometimes played clarinet
with other guys during the service.

One day he wanted to sell his clarinet.

'Why do you want to sell it?
 Are you not going to play it any more?'

'I am thinking of buy another one.
 Something better.'

'Well, I want to try to learn an instrument.
But I am afraid I can't afford an expensive one.'

I don't remember whether he gave that to me
for free or at an extremely cheap price.
That was one of the rare times I tried to learn
a musical instrument.
김형준 2006.05.31 09:04  
  If you ever tried to learn clarinet or flute
you can easily understand that you can't
just play right away without getting some
help from a pro.

I kept trying to play it all by myself
with the help of a manual.
Not much success was there for me.

Los Angeles is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural.
It has the largest Korean community
outside the Korean peninsula.


The Koreatown is only 5-7 minutes away
from the campus by car.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:09  
  The voting place in my neighborhood
is a school for the handicapped.
That's used for the purpose every time
as far as I remember.

Did you folks vote today?
Vote for whom and for which party? (^_^)

The politicians must listen to
what the common folks say.

Those who act against the dominant
opinion(s) should be prepared
for the unsavory consequences.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:12  
  For the readers!

If you have read all of the things
written in English here
I congratulate you for your patience
and your persistence to learn.

If you are 'greatly' interested in
doing something
you should not feel easily get tired
of reaching a certain high level.

Golf, Ko, Chess, Singing,
Language-learning, money-making,

You name it!
김형준 2006.05.31 15:35  
  Once upon a time,
I expressed my hurt feeling
whe I was speaking on the phone
who was the then-minister of
a govermental ministry.

That upsetted my friend
on the other end of the phone.

From then on
I've been extra-careful about
phone conversation manners.

We may have verbal confrontations
with friends face-to-face,
but not on the phone, if it's avoidable.

You never know who else is listening.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:40  
  The June gathering for
Korean art song sing-along
is expected to be on June 26, 2006.

Probably the same place as in May.

Please plan ahead
if you want to come and join us.

You folks out there monitoring
other people's private matters!
Come and watch!
It's for everyone,
including shadow men like you.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:42  
  I guess the people work in the shadows
do not need an open invitation.

They move around in secret,
not revealing their identity.

Remember that someone in the White House
revealed the identity of a CIA operative
who has been engaged in the black operation.
Now her being exposed
she either retired completely
from the intelligence communtiy
or has to be satisfied with a desk job.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:46  
  I had several tickets
for a fund-raising dinner.
It was held at Hilton.
I wanted to give away the tickets
to my friends free of charge.

What are friends for? Right?

I invited a friend
working in an intelligence agency.
He came, but he fled out of the room
as soon as he took notice of
the fact that the function was being

I completely forgot
that he operates in the shadows.

Sorry about that, amigo!
김형준 2006.05.31 15:50  
  The commercial PC Rooms
are normally devided into
two sections - smoking section
and non-smoking section.

It's intended to protect
the non-smokers from being
exposed to the harmful smoke.

I am sure you know well
that if you stay in such a place
working or playing even
in the non-smoking section
your clothes are soaked with the smoke.
And they smell terrible.
김형준 2006.05.31 15:53  
  So I would like to suggest
that the national government,
city and district governments
designate a given number of
PC rooms only for the non-smokers
and the underaged kids and students
where it's totally smoke-free.

I will be very happy to work,
listen to music, read newspaper
on-line in such a place,
especially if the other customers
and the shop management
are sensitive about the noise, too.
김형준 2006.05.31 17:29  
  I just listened to some of the
most well-know arie in the musicals.

For some reason the music scores
I got has lower notes than the singers
sing. Well, I am lucky to find even those.

Thus there's nothing to complain about.
김형준 2006.05.31 17:31  
  The reason why I sought out
the musical pieces was that
I plan on singing some of them
at a semi-pro meeting.

I thoroughly enjoyed singing
'memory' from 'Cats'.

Why not try some other
musical pieces,
especially when the other guys
are not yet into the musical,
being occupied with
opera arie and Italian & German art songs.
김형준 2006.05.31 17:33  
  I've been wanting to buy
a book or books on
the History of the Western Music.

There were several kinds.
One has two volumes,
fourty five thousand won each,
meaning ninety thousand together.

It's sort of expensive
for my current financial state.

There was another book,
which was twenty two thousand one
and there is only one volume.
Maybe I will try that first,
just for the sake of studying
the music theoretically to a degree.
김형준 2006.05.31 17:35  
  In case you are studying a foreign language
you should find ways to use it.
Otherwise, it will go rusty quickly
and you may lose interest and lose the ability fast.

"The more you use the language
the stronger your confidence will become."
김형준 2006.05.31 17:38  
  I found a way to study Italian.

Of course, if I seriously want to study it
I know what kinds of methods I need to use.

Without much time to spend
I will learn to memorize the words
in the Italian operas and art songs.
The words in these songs are poems.

Why not try with the poem and songs
when I am crazy about singing?

What do you think?
김형준 2006.05.31 17:40  
  In a few hours
we will be able to find out
about the election results.

I hope there will be a post-election
reawakening in the political arena.

The politicians must listen to the people
as they themselves once belong to the crowd.

How can they so easily forget where they come from?
김형준 2006.05.31 17:42  
  I always admire the people who are humble.
The arrogant turn me off right away.

What is it that gives them the right to mistreat people.
Do they think they are above everyone else.
That's a misguided thought.

'The haughty boys( & girls),
 Wake up and do the reality check!"
김형준 2006.05.31 17:45  
  Acacia disappeared into the history.
It has to wait until its season of year 2007.

Now is the time for roses.

Rose, passion, blood, beauty,
flourishness, love-making......

Is there someone out there
who does not like roses?

Think about someone special
to whom you want to give
a bouquet of roses.

That will make the day for that person.
김형준 2006.05.31 17:48  
  There will be a masterclass for singing
in less than two weeks' time.

The instructor is a Russian high bariton
who teach at a school in Moscow.

There were not enough volunteers
to sing and be coached, for the
fee is seventy thousand won for a thirty minute slot.
Considering there will be someone tranlating
from Russian to Korean and the other way around as well
the actual lesson time will be fifteen to twenty minutes.

Any volunteers?
김형준 2006.05.31 20:24  
  Life is beautiful.

The Jewish people went through
so much suffering and pain.

We, Koreans also underwent
a lot of pain and tragedies
due to the geo-politcal reasons.

The Jewish people became stronger and stronger
as the others trampled them down.
They out-excelled all the other races  in some ways.

We Koreans need to get stronger and smarter
than all the others in order to have our own
voice and have the balancing power in the region.
김형준 2006.06.01 06:39  
  Sadly some people try to get out of
the troubles they are in by telling lies.

The problem with such a strategy
is that one has to keep on lying
in order to cover the earlier lies,
leaving himself in a situation
where people do not trust them any more.

If the leaders are thay way
the organization or group is doomed.
One has to take a full responsibility
for what (s)he says or does.
김형준 2006.06.01 06:45  
  The winner is cautious,
The loser is speechless.

The leaders of the losing group
have to answer the results.

The leaders of the winning group
need to be careful not to look

The people have spoken.
The jury is in.
김형준 2006.06.01 06:57  
  Morning is hope.
The death called night stepped back.

One must make efforts
to have a meaningful time.

What's your purpose of life?

Having fun,
Making money,
garnering honor?

Do your own thing.
The life is yours.
Don't stay in the dark
during the daytime.
The night is coming.
김형준 2006.06.01 07:07  
  God is alive.
God protects his people.

Those who persecute God's people
in due time have to answer to God.

God is love, but he's also just.

I fully trust God.
I pray to God to show his justice
against the group that did things unjust
with their megapower.
김형준 2006.06.01 07:19  
  To dear listener in the dark!

Thank you for your helping me
get stronger.

You are born to be go after
the people as if the hunting dogs do.

I sympathize with you.
You don't care if the person is innocent or not.

But are you not scared of God's judgment?
김형준 2006.06.01 07:24  
  People argue, fight, go on their ways.

They sometimes seem to have a collective opinion.

They did not vote for the winners.
We must face the reality.
They voted against the losers.

Stay confident
and do your job as best as you can.

Don't ever show your arrogant side,
or the people may vote against you,
not for your opponents.
김형준 2006.06.01 07:30  
  I dropped by a Kimbap place
on my way to the place
where we had the monthly singing gathering.

I wanted to have some snack before singing.
Singing requires a lot of energy.

As I walked up the steps exitting
the subway station
I saw that one sign indicated
that one exit takes you to Sogang U.

I asked one young woman at the restaurant
if the U. was closeby.
She said she didn't know.
I was curious and took a close look at her face.
김형준 2006.06.01 07:40  
  It turned out that she came from Thailand.
I remembered some simple sentences in Thai
and asked if she came from Bangkok.
She said she came from the countryside
near the border between Thailand and Laos.

Her Korean was superb, which made
me wonder if she lives with a group of Koreans.
She said she married a Korean man.

So that answered my question.
김형준 2006.06.01 07:54  
  There is a place where they take care of the mentally handicapped.
A group of people will pay a visit to the place to be with the handicapped
and support the person who was their leader for a long period of time.

When the old leader quit and a new leader is ushered in
some people keep wondering where their loyalty have to be placed.

Move on with the new waves, folks!
If you want your organization to get better
Do not stick to the past.

"Go with the flow!"
김형준 2006.06.01 08:23  
  I have an extraordinary urge to study
poems in German and Italian,
with the intent to understand fully
what I sing, and then learn the poems themselves.

The poems used in the German art songs
are mostly written by great poets like
Goethe and Heine.

I genuinely thank God for allowing me
the opportunity to read and study the poems.
김형준 2006.06.01 08:26  
  In 1992
I made a decision
to go and study a South East Asian language.
Since I was studying Linguistics then
I thought I may use the language for research purposes.

The idea came to me
when I spotted a poster
which said that at U. of Washington
they will be teaching the S.E. Asian languages
during the summer that year.
김형준 2006.06.01 10:50  
  On AFN they show a program called 'Dr. Phil'.
The basic format of the program is that
a psychologist(/psychiatrist) called Phil
deals with the psychological issues of various kinds
which the guest(s) may have.

I believe Dr. Phil got popular as he appeared on
the Opra Winfrey show and Opra made a decision
to produce the 'Dr. Phil' show.

Dr. Phil is a down-to-earth guy and is good at
giving proper advice.

A good show I recommend for the English learners.
김형준 2006.06.01 10:58  
  I had to hurry things around
if I wanted to go to Seattle
where U. of W. is located.

I had to register for the summer class
way before my departure.

I also had to take a crucial exam
for my further study of lingusitics
before I left for Seattle.

It was very hectic couple of months in my life.
김형준 2006.06.01 11:15  
  Mom came and stayed with me for a month.
I was sorry that I could not help her see things
that she could see in the U.S.
as I was engrossed into the exam.

Sorry, mom!

Mom did want to stay longer,
but I had to go to Seattle.
I still feel unhappy
about not showing her around.
김형준 2006.06.01 22:56  
  I see a sad person.
He does not cry,
but lies all the time.

Tell a lie to hide lie after lie.
Thus what he says is full of lies.

What he can do to prevent a disaster
from happening is to apologize quickly
and extinguish the fire in the other person's mind.

That's the best solution.

'Honesty is always the best policy.
The second best policy is to deal with
the troublesome situation as quickly as possible
so that the situation will not spread.'
김형준 2006.06.02 00:21  
  A minister of a government ministry
used to work at a non-governmental organization
in his earlier days.

Tonight he was back with the group
to be congratulated on.

He is a very nice guy, and well-balanced
in his thinking and talking, being modest.
I liked him.

I enjoyed being with the people -
some activists, some artists, some professors, etc.

I had a good time and a horrible time today,
ascending to heaven and descending to under the earth
symbolically speaking.
김형준 2006.06.02 00:24  
  After my mom went back to Korea
I took a plane to Seattle to go to U. of W.

I was to stay at a dorm during the 10 weeks
when I was going to study Thai.

I do not remember what kind of transportation
I used from the airport to the school.
I guess I possibly used a shuttle bus.

I do not think I had any major problem
arriving at the campus.
김형준 2006.06.02 13:48  
  I saw two musicals at Broadway some time ago.
One was 'A Fiddler on the Roof', and the other one
was 'The Phantom of the Opera'.

The former is about the arduous life of the Jewish
in some E. European town.

Many Jewish-looking people were in the audience.
I ardently loved the musical as it depicted the
sad, adverse life of a group of people in a positive,
festival-like mood.
김형준 2006.06.02 13:54  
  I heard a lot in passing
about the musical 'The Phantom of the Opera'.

I for some reason like to hear
about the phantoms or ghosts.

Don't we all?
That's probably why
there are a lot of movies and dramas
about the 'ghosts' during the summer.

Remember the 'CHILLING Moments'?
김형준 2006.06.02 13:59  
  I was able to get a 50% discount
for 'The Fiddler on the Roof',
but no such luck for 'The Phantom'.

The seat was better and I thoroughly
enjoyed the musical.

The movie version came out
not too long after I saw the musical.
The movie helped me understand the story
better, but I fell asleep in the middle of
the movie-viewing, feeling ill.

Anyhow I must say the musical
is such a well-made one,
and the music in it is spectacular.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:11  
  I am going to learn a duet song from
'The Phantom', which is called
'All I ask of you'. It's sung by the characters
named Raoul and Christine.
Christine is the leading female role in the musical,
and Raoul is her boy friend.
The Phantom himself is the leading male character,
probably much more important than the role of Raoul.

I love the aria and will soon memorize the words to sing.
I will definitely find a way to sing it in front of an audience.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:17  
  I do not try to differentiate the arie
sung by males and females.
I try to learn'em all, if possible.
I do not mean to be just a classical singer,
amateur or professional, it doesn't matter.

I want to sing all kinds of songs.
Opera arie, German, Italian, Korean art songs.
Pop songs, Korean traditional songs,
movie theme songs, folk songs. Jazz,
musical, rap, hip-hop, you name it.

In order to be a real voice master
I shouldn't prefer to sing opera or musical arie
for tenors only.

"Learn'em all
Sing'em all!"
김형준 2006.06.02 14:23  
  I was on the phone talking with a church acquaintance.
She said she's been learning some CCMs.

CCM stands, I believe, for
'Contemporary Church Music.'

CCM covers basically all kinds of music,
possibly with the exception of the classical genre.
I listened to some songs sung by
an Austrlian group called 'Hillsong'
by the recommendation of the person I mentioned.

The first song I heard by the group was
sort of disappointing as it was a rock music
very loud.
The second song I heard was much better and
less loud.

I suppose I will be listening to their music
for a while and eventually find some other
CCM singers or groups whose style I may prefer.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:30  
  I got sidetracked from the Thai-learning story.
When I got to the dormitory I will be staying
for the next ten weeks, I felt safe.

The cafeteria I will be using was in the next
building which is also mainly used for the
dormitory purpose.

I was given a room all by myself at my
request. Some of the rooms were shared
by two persons, thus being somewhat cheaper.

I wanted to use the room by myself
so that I could feel free.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:50  
  The dormitory was filled with
the summer school students,
in particular the ones who are
there to study the S.E. Asian languages.

I first considered to take Malay-Indonesian,
for it is written in Roman letters.

I could have studied Vietnamese
if I wanted to with it also being in Roman letters.

I chose instead Thai as it had its own
unique, beautiful letters.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:52  
  At SC I one time had a fieldwork class
in which the target language was Cambodian.
Cambodian also has interesting writing system.

We did not study the writing system,
but dealt with its grammar.
We used sentences like

'Somebody killed a dog.'
'Somebody made somebody else do something.'

It was fun and challenging simultaneously.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:55  
  Thai and Cambodian have a lot in common
and have shared regional characteristics.

Thai grammar is not too dissimilar from
the Chinese grammar as far as I can see.

One major distinction betwee those two
in the aspect of word order is that
in Chinese the adjective comes before the noun,
whereas in Thai the order is reversed.
김형준 2006.06.02 14:57  
  Looking back upon those days
maybe I could have done better
on the long-term basis if I chose
Bahasa Indonesian over Thai.

I forgot the Thai letters
as I don't read Thai any more.

"Out of practice out of reading ability"

Thai came as something very attractive
at that time and I was totally satisfied
with my choice then.
김형준 2006.06.02 18:33  
  In order for a society to advance
there must be a group of courageous people
who seek to make suggestion for the better.

Constructive criticism is good and healthy
for the individual, groups and society in general.

If people 'witch-hunt' those who take the time
and present ideas
who would come out and provide their ideas?

Let's praise those who suggest things
for the whole group. Only when their
ideas are appreciated will they continue
to stay creative and infuse the fresh ideas
and unique perspective into the group.
김형준 2006.06.02 18:55  
  I just read a letter someone wrote.
She said she knew of my teacher.

She said someone who was close to him
cried a lot at the news of his death.

I try not to think about my teacher too often
as I can't stop crying.

A genuine person!

My teacher was a model human
in almost every way.

I am proud of him.
I am trying to model after him.

Will I ever reach his level of goodness?

김형준 2006.06.02 19:23  
  Now I'm free!

My own new writing pushed
this posting of mine to the second page.

That's fine with me.
Actually more than fine
as now I do not have to be conscious of
what other people think of the number
of the replies added.
김형준 2006.06.02 19:25  
  Going back to my Thai-learning story
I realized there were some other people
studying Thai who stayed on the same floor
in the U. of W. dormitory.

That was the first time in my life
when I lived in a dormitory.

All the other people staying on the floor
were Americans without any exception
other than me.

Complete strangers at first.
Me being rather shy
I just did not know how to initiate a contact.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:17  
  I came back to my half-normal lifestyle.
What am I saying?

I used to live with English all the time.
I emphasize again 'all the time'.

Reding novels in English,
Listening to English - CNN, AFN, movie channels....

Music took me away from English for a while.

Now I am trying to balance my time
between those two important things in my life.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:21  
  I slowly started to find out who were
the other occupants of the rooms on the first floor
in the dorm.

A couple of guy were from the Delta Force
according to one of those guys.
He was in the military intelligence then.
He also spoke fluent Korean by the way
having served in Korea for some time.
His fellow soldier was a Chinese expert.
He spoke beautiful Chinese.

They were there to study Burmese.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:25  
  The Korean-speaking cocasian
was sharp and strong mentally and physically.

He knew how to make friends with the much
younger guys there.

The Chinese-speaking cocasian fellow
was relatively reticent, but nice.

The former used the room on my right,
the latter the room just across the hall.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:29  
  The Korean-speaker's name was Bob.
Bob said his wife was Korean.

He and the Chinese-speaker named Tom
will be going to Burma, now Miyanma, to
execute some mission.

I did not think they are intellectual types,
but are hard-working type.

Fit to fight, and second to none.
Boys, are you still in the military?
김형준 2006.06.03 11:32  
  Let me see if I can remember all the languages
they were teaching that summer there.

Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao,
Cambodian, Tagalog, Burmese, Javanese.

I am not sure about Javanese.
But I believe they taught eight different
S.E. Asian languages.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:34  
  If I had enough time I would have tried to
study all the languages offered.
Now you know that I am a language buff.

Remember the poem by Robert Frost

'The Road not Taken'

One has to choose just one path
out of many.
One can try to change the path for a few times,
but not forever.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:37  
  A couple of the guys on the first floor
were there to study Thai.
They studied Thai before and they
were planning to take the intermediate class.

In my case I was a total beginner.
Normally I prepare myself before
I embark on studying a foreign language.
This time I had no spare time at all.
Thus I went to U. of W. without
any preparation at all.

Shame on me!
김형준 2006.06.03 11:40  
  One of the guys was a rock-climber
and had a right physique for it.

A very flat stomach, fast-moving feet,
mental tenacity.

He was sort of like a bagabond
roaming around without much purpose.

I couldn't exactly figure out
why he was there
especially he said he was in money trouble.
A deep one at that.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:50  
  One guy was there to study Indonesian,
and he was trying to learn a traditional
Indonesian musical instrument.
That's probably called 'Gamalang',
but I am not sure.

I would say there were sixteen to
twenty of us on the floor.

It was a wonderful opportunity
to learn English for me as I had to
speak it all the time and everyday
while I was there.
김형준 2006.06.03 11:59  
  I went to Seattle a couple of days earlier,
but I was not in my usual exploring mood.

I did not try to go to downtown
to check things out.

Instead I went to the main campus, which
was very beautiful.

The main road right next to the campus
was called, if my memory serves me right,
University Road.

The Road was full of the shops
the U. students frequent themselves with.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:01  
  The U. bookstore was also located
on that road.

I checked to see if there was any textbook
fort the beginning Thai class.
Regretfully I found none.

I wondered why,
as normally they use one or several
published books for the language courses.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:03  
  Even though I had been living in the U.S.
for the previous three years
I still had a big fear of reading things in English.

I knew I could read the books written in that language
if I set my mind to it and just get on it.

But the fear did not disappear in a short period of time.
It took me a long time to eliminate it.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:05  
  I could not even check the books out there,
I mean most of them.
They belong to another world then
where I couldn't enter.

I did not have the time to read novels in English,
nor had any willpower or know-how to do it.

My intelligence was dormant,
waiting for some events to occur
to wake it up fully.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:09  
  I guess I came a long way,
looking back upon those days.

Now wherever I go, domestic or foreign,
one of the very first things I love to do
is to check the bookstores out.

The bookstores are now more important
than the museums in this juncture of my life journey.

But then I wasn't much into books,
strangely to say,
considering I was a full-time student.

Am I a more zealous student or learner
now than during those days when
I was studying to get my Ph.D. in linguistics.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:13  
  I guess I was not fully awake then
intellectually speaking.

I was an explorer, a subjective observer.

'You can see as much as
your state of mind allows you to.'

I just bummed around for a couple of days
up until the summer classes started.

The neighborhood of U.W. was
a lot safer than that of SC.

I felt safe to move around there
without having had to be concerned
about drive-by shooting and all.
김형준 2006.06.03 12:17  
  I guess some of the incoming students
took the placement test to know which
classes they need to be placed into.

The beginning Thai class was devided
into three groups. I guess some of us
who knew at least a few words of Thai
were grouped together into a group.
Thus that's like the elist group among
all the beginners.

I was not one of them.

I wasn't able even to count 'one to ten'
in Thai. I did not know the difference
between the letter A and Z.

That's where I was when the class started.
김형준 2006.06.03 13:44  
  My classroom was in a building outside the campus.
I was a little nervous and curious about the class.

Who will be my teacher?
Who will be my fellow students?
What will I learn in that class?

It turned out that the number of the students
is about ten. I'm afraid I can't recollect
the exact number, but it was not over ten persons.

That made me feel comfortable,
and the room was small, thus
creating a cosy environment to study.

Maybe a little two crowded according to my taste,
if you want me to be real honest about it.

That's because of my shyness.
I need some space of my own,
to feel comfortable and breathe freely.

Anyhow that's where I was going to be
studying Thai for the following ten weeks.
김형준 2006.06.04 08:08  
  Everyone seems to have some minor weakness.
Some, however, reveal one's weakness to the degree
that other people may feel disgusted about it.

Some people act abnormally to get some attention,
others have no control over it.

It's best to ignore
when someone shows some abnormal behavior
unless it's harmful to the harmony of the group
in a serious manner.
김형준 2006.06.04 08:11  
  The Thai class I belong to had one 'tough' woman
who liked to drive a motorcycle. She was physically
big and talked tough. A guy student lived in Japan
for several years before he got interested in Thailand
and the language spoken in that land.

A female student who seemed to be smart
graduated from Cornell U. and was preparing to
go to the graduate school with anthropology as
her major in mind.
김형준 2006.06.04 19:04  
  A short guy was Filipino-American,
A girl was an undergrate at another college.

There were possibly a couple of other
students whose face I can't summon
to my mind's eyes for the moment.

There were three male students including me
and the rest were female.
김형준 2006.06.04 19:36  
  The Filipino-American fellow was not
easy to communicate with.

I do not know if it's a general characteristic
of the Filipinos or just his own style.

He was given some scholarship.
I was considered for some partial scholarship,
but I believe they decided not to give me any
for I'm a foreign student.

Well, what can I say?
It's up to the giver, not the receiver.
김형준 2006.06.04 22:53  
  When we feel alone, I mean totally 'alone'
we all need some company desparately.

That special someone comes in many forms.
We just need to have one person
who understands our needs that may not
be something that can be grasped easily.

Life seems mysterious without limit
from time to time.

Right, listeners?
김형준 2006.06.04 23:00  
  What can I do?
I hinted to the director of the S.A. Studies
program that I seriously needed some
financial help.

Tough luck!

It turned out that there was no textbook
for the Thai class that was published.

The professor in charge of the whole
Thai teaching business for the summer
was not a professor at U. W., but came
from Thailand.

She was a linguistics professor
at Julalungkon U. in Bangkok.
김형준 2006.06.04 23:04  
  I believe her name was 'Piansiri',
but can't not remember that clearly
for it was many years ago.

She was a nice lady.
She wrote some pages of textbook,
per say, day to day.

The students including me had to wait
for her to give us the studying material.
To be honest I was not happy about that
'cause by then I got used to reading
things way in advance.
김형준 2006.06.05 00:21  
  Fans are really important
for any well-known people.

Without a group of faithful fans
one can't sustain one's popularity long enough.

Keeping one's fans happy
requires special efforts from the star's point of view,
whoever the star is and whatever (s)he does.
김형준 2006.06.05 00:32  
  Forgiving is so hard for human beings,
especially when the other party is
doing something that attacks one's integrity.

Life is full of tough decision-making.
How can anyone be wise enought not to make mistakes?

Well, what I tell my students, especially the young ones,
is that they need to go ahead and make mistakes
and learn from those experiences.

I learn from the recent episode which
taught me that some people always doubt
no matter what the evidence presents otherwise.
김형준 2006.06.05 00:41  
  Have you ever read 'The Old Man and the Sea'
by E. Hemingway.

Hemingway is famous for his writing style bing
curt and dry.

The old man in the story did not have to fight
with the gigantic fish when his life was hanging
in the balance. He could have tried to catch
more of the smaller fish.

It was his destiny, though, to fight against
the fish and have the caught fish taken by
the sharks.

I do not believe he regretted for his decision
to struggle through the battle.

Are you ready for the fight of your life,
or you want to chicken out?
김형준 2006.06.05 01:40  
  A friend of mine just came back from
his trip to Philippines and gave me
a pack of dried mango for a gift.

I was so thankful that he thought about me.
I am thinking that I should be more helpful for him.

I keep saying to myself
that I want him to be happy
and I want him to succeed with his mission.
김형준 2006.06.05 01:43  
  I really wanted to get hold of all the books
that will help me with Thai learning.

Now with a clear mission I went back to
the U. bookstore to check the Thai textbooks out.
Luckily there were several books that will be
help me then and down the road.

Even a dictionary.

I visited another smaller book store
to find some more books.

Was I becoming a bookworm?
Well, yes!

I am proud of saying that,
for the people who knew me back
in my high school days may testify to you
that I was not interested in books at all those days.

Loving to read books is something very nice.
김형준 2006.06.05 02:16  
  How will anybody understand
what I am doing here?
Even I don't exactly know.

Does it matter?

What's happening at least is
that I am naturalize my composing
stories in English.

It will not be too hard for me any more
to write things in English after this experiment.

김형준 2006.06.05 02:18  
  I am trying to help some people
do things actively and positively,
on their own eventually.

I guess it's kind of complicated
for him to understand since he's never
been on that path before.

Well, what can I say?
He simply has to learn
the new things once in a while
even if he's reluctant to do so.

That's all I can say right now.
김형준 2006.06.05 02:20  
  Some people just don't know their limits
and say things out of life.

I can forgive those who are simply stupid
and make unthinkable, but dumb mistakes.

I can't tolerate, though, the guys who think
they are so smart and twist things around
making people wonder about what is true
and what is not.
김형준 2006.06.05 02:22  
  Who are you?

Are you the guys in the dark?
Is that your job or you are just sadists?

I want God to forgive you,
but you must turn from your sinful ways
and stop torturing other people.

Come out and make confessions
for the horrible things you've done.

It does not matter if you are an ex-policeman
or an ex-convict.

김형준 2006.06.05 02:26  
  Before I thought
Celin Dion's voice was too high
for me to be able to sing her songs.

Not any more!

Do you know what happened?

Yes, I started being able to use
my 'falsetto' voice.

I may even sing higher notes than
she can ever manage
if I really set my mind to it.

Something that seems impossible
comes into the realm of the possible,
only if you incessantly keep at it.

Will you try, folks out there?
김형준 2006.06.05 10:01  
  'Face' composed by Kwibok Shin
is softly coming into my ears.

The ocean waves are playing with
each other as the background.

The seagulls are singiing the songs
of their faraway home.

Life is wonderful.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:03  
  A friend of mine became an elder.
I mean an elder in a presbyterian church.
He's someone really nice.
One of his sons is someone I knew
even before I got acquainted with him.
That son's wife is also someone I knew.
They both gratuated from the U. I did.

A double connection is at work here.
I am closer to the father, though.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:06  
  If you want to learn a foreign language
do not wait until you meet a good teacher
or you take a class at a language school.

Go ahead and take the initiative.

Pick up a few textbooks that you can find
and some tapes. Keep reading and listening
up until you begin to see some patters emerge.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:12  
  The beginners of anything are just like babies
or the blind.

They all feel clumsy, not knowing what to do
and how to proceed.

Try to act like you are at the advanced level.
Don't be too passive.
If you wait till you reach the mid-level
it may be too late.
Start now.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:21  
  My teacher's name was Picun.
I am not certain if the spelling is correct.
In Thai 'teacher' is 'ajan'.
So we called her ajan Picun.

She was a very nice lady.
I am not sure if she ever taught Thai
in a classroom situation.
She probably gave some private lessons,
but not at a school.
Especially the college level.

I was curious about how she would
deal with a small group of grown-ups.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:26  
  I do not remember if we had the class
Monday to Friday or Monday to Thursday.

We had the class three ours per day.
The same classroom,
the same teacher.

In that sense it was a little boring,
but predictable.

I would have felt better
if we had the class in the afternoon,
but the class was conducted
during the morning slot.
김형준 2006.06.05 10:28  
  We started learning expressions such as
'My name is so-and-son.'
'What is your name.'
'Thank you.'
'It's salty.'

We did not right away try to learn
the writing system, which looked like
an art form at the first glance.
We just used the Roman spelling
to learn the expressions and
learned the letters slowly.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:34  
  We did not cover the grammar at all.
The teacher was not trained enough
to explain the minute details of the

The native speakers of any language
hardly think about the grammar
when they use it.

That's the case with Koreans, Americans,
Germans, et cetera et cetera.

One has to study grammar intentionally
if one wants to be good at explanning
the grammatical stuff.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:36  
  I must say the Thai grammar is not that hard.
Maybe if you go deep then you will meet
some grammatical phenomena which may
be ambiguous enough for you to make

The word order was simple and there was
no inflection.

German and Russian are quite hard
as far as their grammars are concerned.

Thai was not like that at all.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:39  
  I bought all kinds of books.
I bought the textbooks for Tagalog,
Vietnamese, Cambodian, Burmese,
Indonesian, etc.

I wanted to learn'em all.
Probably  a bigger desire than
I could handle at the time.

Not enough fund did not stop
me from buying them.
I was happy to look at the books,
to be honest, and dream about
the day when I could actually
learn them.

I was a language buff and I still am.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:41  
  I decided to study the Thai letters
even before we started dealing with them in class.
My method was to read the books that tell us
how to write and pronounce the letters first.

And then keep on reading whatever was written
in Thai. I did not care if I understood the meaning
of what I read as my intention was to read the
letters and write them quickly and properly.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:46  
  The Thai teachers encouraged the students
to come to their office and pratice reading
in front of them.

I went to their office one time.
There were three students who were
in the intermediate Thai class.
One of them was a young guy from Australia,
studying at U. of Hawaii working on
his master's degree in anthropology.

They read what they brought in front of the teahcers
and got their compliments.

It was my turn.
I read the book I took with me swiftly and correctly.

All of sudden
the whole office went silent.
Total silence swept over the entire office.

Everybody was amazed by the fact
that a complete beginner read the book
almost at the speed of an actual Thai
native speaker reading a book.

From that day the Australian guy
did not come back to the dormitory
before the dinner time.

It was a wake-up call for him
and he remained in the library
to study Thai.

I hope what I demonstrated
did a world of good for him.
김형준 2006.06.05 11:52  
  My Thai teacher was an amateur musician.
She belonged to a group which played
several kinds of traditional Thai instruments.

There was a cocasian guy playing
several types of instruments.

They put on a performance,
and the students studying the S.E. Asian languages
were there to enjoy it.

It was lots of fun.
김형준 2006.06.05 16:47  
  Now finally I am onto the path to become a master singer.
I am not saying I've got there already.
I am just stating that I found the gate to enter the path.

Being a master of anything is so hard.
One has to go through all kinds of rollercoaster experiences.
I've been undergoing some of them.
I'm willing to go through more of them
to be a master.
김형준 2006.06.05 16:56  
  What if I'm lonely, what if I'm alone?
I want to be where there is no one else,
or just a select few.

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull.

Charles Hyungjun Human!

I go on my way.

No, I have no regrets to be on that path!
None at all!
김형준 2006.06.05 17:09  
  I so excelled in my Thai class
to the degree that most of the American
students in the class got really jealous.

Well, what can I do?
I did study, while they had many other things
to do.

I also had my own method of learning languages.

Natural approach to language acquisition.

Be soaked with the information to the top of the head.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:13  
  When we think of 'gender discrimination'
we mostly think of the cases that
the women are discriminated by the men.
That's normally the case.

It's a power issue.
Who or which group has the bigger power?

I saw a 'gender discrimination' phenomenon
at a singing gathering.
Can you guess who the culprit is
and who the victim is?
김형준 2006.06.05 17:15  
  Some of the women in the group think
they can do whatever they want.

They make the decision of which songs to learn.
I guess they are quite good at singing
and their level is past the intermediate one.

They decide without consulting to the other students,
especially the male ones.

They believe they are powerful
and act like dictators.

Don't they know it's absolutely wrong?
김형준 2006.06.05 17:18  
  They selected seven songs to learn or sing
during the three month period.
The first six songs take about two thirds of
the pages and the last one song one third.

That last song is a soprano aria.
an eleven page-long aria.
No man in the class complains.

Are they willing to go through the discrimination
without even going through the motions?

What is going on there?
김형준 2006.06.05 17:20  
  I want to write a number of poems
which will be used for the words of
the Korean art songs.

I want to find a number of composers
I work with.

Who will be the most suitable ones?
I have about three of them in mind already,
but I think I need to find some more.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:21  
  I am in a unique position
as a poet to make contribution to
the world of the Korean art songs.


I am a singer,
I am a linguist,
I am a poet.

What more can I say?
A singing poet can find ways
to make the poems fit for singing.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:23  
  One time I happened to be alone
with my Thai teacher.

I don't remember where all the other
students were gone at that moment.

Probably we were on a short break
and the others went to the restroom
or some other places.

My teacher made a comment,
which still encourages me
whenever I feel upset or down
due to the nasty comments made
by some impolite people.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:26  
  Ajan Picun tole me that
'she was honorted to have a genius
as her student.'

I couldn't say even 'thank you!'
because I did not want her to think
I was an arrogant person.

I appreciate for her comment
which was made fourteen years agon.

When we feel useless
we remember the warm, kind words
some people made and we strive to rise again.

Thank you, ajan phom!
김형준 2006.06.05 17:30  
  We had the midterm exam
probably after the fifth week.

As I said earlier
the summer course was a ten week program.
It was equivalent to two regular quarter course.

There were some words which
we had never learned in the class.
Something like 'accountant'.

The max score was five hundred.
How did they come up with that number,
instead of hundred?

It's anybody's guess.

It thoroughly beats me.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:33  
  I must say the exam was not that easy
since many words were totally new
and we had to depend on the context
to be able to guess what they meant,
if we can guess at all.

Some of the questions were multiple choice,
some required us to write simple sentence(s),
and some demanded of us to write several
paragraph compositions.

I thought we needed a little more time.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:35  
  Mr. Gaseumi!
Have you followed me so far?
Was it too long for you
and it required too much patience on your part?

If it did I am sorry for you.
I hope you will share your life with me
as I am trying to do here.

Isn't it fair?
That way we get to know each other better.

Did you see the photo of me trying
to sing with the right kind of
sound-producing technique?

Do you sing well?
김형준 2006.06.05 17:43  
  Ms. Kyungseon Kim?
Are you with me so far
or you've given up on reading
all the comment I've made so far?

I want to to be on this journey with me.
I encourage you, but have no desire
to push you to where you don't want to go.

Life should be free.
I feel suffocated if someone pushs me
to the direction which is now for which
I prefer not to head for.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:45  
  Thus I apologize to those people
whom I deeply cared about and
pushed so hard due to my immaturity.

I am sorry, guys!

I can't go back to those days
to take back the harsh comment I made
to those I likes so much.

I can only try to do better now and in the future.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:51  
  Ms. K.S. Kim!
Did you have a good time
singing 'At Lake Louis'?

Did it go well?

I guess I was lucky to hear you sing
at the end of last April.

I did not know that you were such a good singer
up until that moment,
even though as you know I was aware of
the fact that you lead the Korean art song
singing group in Masan.

I hope you had a good time that night in Changwon.
I wonder what kind of meeting it was
where you sang the duet with another doctor.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:53  
  If there are at least a handful of people
who have read all the things I've written
you're witnessing the birth of a writer.

I can't tell you how great or how good
a write I will become untilmately.

I will be writing in Korean and in English both
whenever possible.

I do not feel much confinement in
expressing my ideas and feelings in English any more.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:55  
  Love makes us sick sometimes.

Have you ever been love sick,
you shadow listeners?
Is your blood warm?
Keep following me.

You're peeping into some parts
of a genious,
whether you agree or not.
김형준 2006.06.05 17:59  
  Most of the students in my Thai class
got less than three hundred out of five hundred max
in the midterm exam.

Are you interested in finding out my score?

I got four hundred and ninety five.
If you convert that score into one hundred percentile
it's ninety nine.

Is that a good enough score to be called
a genius? (^_^)

Am I showing off or just telling you a simple fact?
You tell me.
김형준 2006.06.05 18:01  
  I wonder myself how many replies
I will be writing here before I stop
doing so.

I will keep on going for now,
for there are many things to say.

Even though I am just a middle-aged person
I've so much to share with other people.

Don't we all?
김형준 2006.06.05 18:09  
  I eventually had to decide not
to stay until the end of the class
'cause the other students complained
that I dominate the class.

It was no fun to stay silent
just because I was way ahead of the class.

I decided to do something fun
during the tenth week,
not being able to take the pressure
any more from the jealous students.
김형준 2006.06.05 18:13  
  One of the students in another beginning
Thai class was offered the chance to
study in the intermediate class.

I guess he knew an inkling of Thai
before he came to the program,
and demonstrated his talents
by working hard.

I found it unfair because I also wanted
to study with the intermediate students
having worked real hard.

The teachers said they could not
allow me to move up.

What kind of discrimination is that?
I knew for certain my Thai by then
was far better than that of the guy
who was lucky enough to have
that offer.

Well, what's bygone is bygone.
Let it pass and move on.
김형준 2006.06.05 18:25  
  By the way that American fellow
graduated from Yale, probably majoring in

I am not hundred percent sure of his major,
even though the school is exactly correct.

He even graduated from the graduate school
for the diplomats and people like that offered
at Georgetown U.

In short he was a bright fellow.
He was to go to Thailand to become
a correspondent for Far East Economic Journal.

I guess it was his first job out of school.
I lost touch with him ever since.
김형준 2006.06.05 21:52  
  My teacher was entirely surprised
at my score. She made an announcement
in front on the whole class.

Again some students reacted negatively.
I guess they couln't believe their ears.

What they should have done was to study harder.

One girl from Seattle congratulated me
sincerely. She was a Christian girl.

Thank you, sweetheart!
김형준 2006.06.05 21:54  
  Seattle is famous for the lakes.
I went with some friends to visit
some of the lakes.
I enjoyed visiting a lake called 'Green Lake'.

It was like a park
and I saw some people fishing there.
Some people were taking a walk
around the lake to exercise.

Seattle also has a lot of rain,
but I did not get rained on often
while I was there.
김형준 2006.06.05 21:57  
  How can anyone not talk about
the spaceneedle?

The spaceneedle is not really
something gigantic or spectacular
in my opinion if you ask me,
but it's like THE symbol for Seattle.

I walked around the place.
There were some games to do,
especially for the children.

I hardly checked the city out
while I was there.
That's something I myself do not understand.

I almost acted as if I was a student
there for a long time, not just a visitor.
김형준 2006.06.05 22:00  
  One of the Army guys studying Burmese
invited some of us to a military post,
where there were having a language marathon.

At that time I scarcely knew anything
about what intelligence gathering was.
Anyhow I saw the guys in the U.S. military
using the foreign languages they knew well
did interesting stuff to demonstrate
how effective they were.

It was something interesting.
김형준 2006.06.05 22:05  
  A friend of mine had a couple of friends
living in Covalis, Oregon.
He asked some of us to go to visit his friends.
Since I had never been to Oregon
I thought it was a fairly good opportunity
to visit the state.

Covalis is a U. town, the home of
Oregon State U. They are quite well-known
for football.

It is a small town with the U.
I enjoyed the visit.
김형준 2006.06.05 22:08  
  On the way back up to Seattle
we stopped at Mt. Rainier,
which attracts many tourists.
Its highest peak boasts a glacier,
never-melting ice block.

The weather was somewhat hot,
but the ice was not melting.

I wondered why as I did not
think the temparature was below zero centigrade.
김형준 2006.06.05 22:11  
  I met a junior high school student
from Taiwan who was homestaying
at a Cocasian home.

He was with the man of the house,
but was having a tough time
communicating with the guy.

One of my friends, even though
he was white, was quite good at
speaking Chinese.
When my friends spoke a few words
to him in Chinese the boy's face lit up.

What a change!

The guy he was with demanded him
to speak English only.

"Speak English!"

The boy refused to do so,
and did everything he could
to speak some more Chinese.

Poor boy!

I hoped he went back to his home
in Taiwan safely.
김형준 2006.06.06 18:46  
  Some fish goes back to the place where
it first saw the light. They are born in plane water,
and move into the sea. When they are pregnant
they come back to their origni, no matter
how high it is going against the direction of the water.

You can go to a place in Seattle where you see
fish doing exactly that.

I forgot the 'term' for such a place.
Anyway I went to that place to see
the fish going to its origin.

It's almost like resurrection.
The fish dies as the new-borns come
into the world.

Life and death exchange their places right there.
김형준 2006.06.06 22:06  
  I felt totally blessed today.
Because I can listen to Cansone,
Chanson, JPop, Pop, Latin Music, etc.
I am not saying I am good at all the languages,
but I can manage to follow the words and
understand simple things in each language.

Wouldn't you feel the same, shadowy listeners
if you are in the same shoes?
김형준 2006.06.07 00:41  
  God, the Almighty is preparing me for something.
I feel it so strongly today.

But what is it?

I must wait patiently to understand his will.

God is love.
God is just

God punishes the people
who unjustly pain the men of God.

I pray God punishes those who
have given me hard time treating me unfairly.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:43  
  Psalms in the Old Testament
is a collection of poems praising
Yaweh and asking him to protect
the writer or the group (s)he belongs to.

God is always with those
who obey his will and do the things
that please him.

I love God and I want him
to be the judge between me
and the people who've bothered me,
making my life unhappy.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:45  
  God sent Joseph to Egypt.
Joe's brothers were angry
because their father love him
more than he did them.

He was saved from being killed
by the hands of their older brothers
because Reuben stopped them from doing so.

김형준 2006.06.07 00:47  
  While I was in Seattle
I often went to Starbucks coffeeshops
which started in that city.

That time it was not as widespread as now.
It was basically a local company then,
if I remember correctly.

I love Cafe Latte more than Capuccino.
I do not know why,
but I loved the hot, stirred milk.
I have fond memories of Cafe Latte.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:49  
  I finally decided to leave the program
one week earlier than scheduled.
I had nothing further to gain by
staying in the class.

The other students were so upset
and jealous of me that they did not
want me to participate in the class
much, probably feeling inferier.

I guess that was their way of
saying that they gave up on the idea
of competing with me.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:51  
  I must say I enjoyed the experience
of staying at the dorm eating out of
cafeteria most of the time using
my meal card.

I sincerely thank my God for providing
me that opportunity.

I learned a lot from that.

Thank you God,
I love you!
김형준 2006.06.07 00:53  
  The female supervisor of the entire
Thai program, who came from Julalungkon U.
allowed some of us to take the final exam
one week early.

There were three of us who took
the test earlier.

I worked hard to prepare for the exam,
even though the result would not affect
my academic career one way or the other.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:54  
  U.W. did not have A+ in their grading system.
A was the maximum grade in theirs.
My ajan kindly gave me all As,
even though I left earlier.

Thank you, ajan Picun.
I learned a lot from your humble ways.
I won't ever forget you.
김형준 2006.06.07 00:59  
  I suppose I could go on with
my Thai learning story a little longer.
But I decided to call it a quit
since now I strongly feel like
talking about my faith.

I may get back to the story of
what I did for the one week
I skipped from the program.

Actually U.W. did not lose anything
because I did not ask for a refund
for that week and they didn't offer any either.

I guess I kind of realized that
God planted in me the potential
genius talent(s) for foreign language learning.

I was about thirty
whey I belatedly realized it.

Well, I shouldn't say 'belatedly'
for one can really say 'late'.
Maybe it was the right timing for me.

God's will be done always.
Ours is to faithfully follow his will.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:08  
  I believe I can regain my ability
to speak and write Thai to a degree
quickly if some necessitis arise in my life.

When will that take place?
I don't know,
but I need to wait without complaining.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:10  
  God chose me, not the other way around.

God saved from death several times,
especially when I couldn't take
the humiliation dealt to me by the insurance company
after the traffic accident in 2002.

Maybe I am living in some borrowed time.
Thus it's only natural to serve God
with the time God gave me as a free gift.

God is love.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:12  
  Jesus taught us to pray like this;

Our Father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespassed
against us.

Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory. Forever. Amen.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:14  
  I memorized the Lord's Prayer
as I used to go to some American churches
while I was living in L.A. studying.

It was not really necessary to memorize it,
but I thought it would be more convenient
if I did.

I hardly memorize anything else
out of the things I had to read almost every week.

Maybe I am not all that smart, after all.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:20  
  God has a plan for every living being.

I sometimes went to church
when I was an elementary student.

I do not know why I went or how I went.

I just have some vague memories
of being at the Sunday school.
Sometimes the teachers gave us
something to eat.

Why was I so happy about getting
a little something to eat?

I was a child.
Children are like that.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:21  
  I've always been somewhat shy.
Even now I must say I am a little introverted.

Some people who have known me for a while
may not agree with such self-assessment of mine
since they know I am quite versatile.

Everyone is entitled to one's own opinion
and I want to express mine freely.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:26  
  I stopped going to church after a while.
I graduated from the elementary school
and I might have visited some friends'
churches possibly a few times.

No clear memories on that.

My family lived at Dobongdong for a while
when I was in high school.

One cousin of mine was a year older than I
and his family were living in the same neighborhood.

He and his mother attending a church
and he was also shy, but warm-hearted.

He one day said bluntly out of nowhere,

'Why don't you come to my church?'

I did not resist his invitation.

It was God's calling.

I obeyed.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:29  
  I wasn't aware of the purposes for studying.
I am definitely a late bloomer.

I was not troublesome in school.
I was just quiet.
김형준 2006.06.07 01:32  
  I learned Judo as I entered the high school.
I don't know why I decided to study the sport.

It was my own decision.
I am glad that I came up with the idea,
instead of someone else forcing me into it.

I guess I thought it was a good sport to learn.

If I could go back and choose another
extracurricular activity
it will be 'shorthand' studying.

Learning that kind of coding system
would have helped me a lot
and it would have been interesting.

I have no regrets, though, about
having studied Judo.
김형준 2006.06.07 14:53  
  Visiting an unfamiliar place
makes me nervous.

My aunt's church was a mid-sized one,
I felt comfortable to attend the service
for junior high and high school students.

My cousin could not attend the service
all the time, for he had to prepare for
the college entrance exam.

He was a bookworm,
I wasn't.

I was marvelled at his passion for studying.
김형준 2006.06.08 10:06  
  Can you be saved
if you do not accept Jesus
as your personal savior?

Not according to the Christian belief.

There is not other way to go to God
except through Jesus.

That's what the New Testament says.
김형준 2006.06.08 10:08  
  Rich people seem to have
harder time to go to the heaven.

Nasaro's parable.

A rich man's entering the kingdom of God
is harder than a camel going though
the ear of a needle.

Do you believe it, rich people?

What will you do to have your salvation guaranteed.
김형준 2006.06.08 10:10  
  I hardly had any contact with the opposite sex
up until I went to the church in high school.

The worship service was for the seventh grader
to the twelveth grader. I couldn't help feeling
interested in the girls and I duly noticed the
interesting, attractive ones.

Well, what can I say?
It's only natural, right?
김형준 2006.06.08 10:13  
  The youth group met once on Saturday
and once on Sunday.

I was appointed to be the leader
heading the athletics section.
Nothing to do as the sport leader,
since we did not have any sport games
while I was there.

A guy who was a student at a techinical school
became the student president.
He and I became friends.
김형준 2006.06.08 10:14  
  God is just.

God is almighty.

I thought I decided to attend the church
in my high school years.

Now I am not sure if it was just my will.

Many things may be predestinined.

A lively discussion on the issues
of predestination and free will.
김형준 2006.06.08 10:17  
  I accepted Jesus as my personal savior
soon after I joined the church.

We had a bible passage memorization contest.
To my surprise I won the first place.
At that time my intelligence was completely dormant.

I do not know what made me come to the
decision of taking part in the contest.

I did not even shake much.
It turned out that I was smart,
but I did not pay attention to that part yet.
김형준 2006.06.09 08:59  
  Jesus sent me some friends.

My family moved around often
for one reason or another,
which prohibited me to form
long-lasting relationship.

Church is a safe place
where a young soul can  breathe
without having to worry about
other people judging you.

The church my high school days
saw came into my life brought
me some friends with whom
I am still continuing the contact until now.

That's another gift of God for me.
I glorify Yahwe, who has no beginning and no end.
김형준 2006.06.09 09:52  
  I was in a way overacting.
I even challenged myself
to participate in a preacing contest.

I was expected to get the first prize,
but the elder who was the chief judge
said I did not quote a bible passage,
which stripped me of that hanor.
I got the second prize.

Well, what can you say?
I've been with that church
for only a few months.
김형준 2006.06.09 18:07  
  God loved my cousin so that
he entered Seoul N. U.

He'd never had any private tutor
nor was he enouraged by his parents
or his brotheres to go to college.

He did it on his own,
and he earned money to get himself
to graduate from the school.

I'm mighty proud of him.
김형준 2006.06.10 11:27  
  The youth group wanted to have
a talent show.
I decided to have a skit with a girl.
I played 'Shim Suil', the girl 'Lee Sunae'.
Actually I did not know the full story,
but I decided ad-lib with her.

I guess it went so well that one of the
sunday school teachers was impressed
and he dicided to write a script
to have me play the main character in it.
김형준 2006.06.11 01:20  
  The sunday school teacher kept his promise.
He went to a prayer house to write the script up.
He was a Taekwondo master, but was having
some health trouble then.

He wanted me to play Jesus in his play.

What an honor it would have been!
김형준 2006.06.11 22:09  
  Just like teacher, just like student.

I am proud of being a student and teacher at the same time.
I guess I am destined to be a scholar and teacher.
I all-embracingly accept my role on this earth,
and withou fail do my best to learn and share what I know
with other people.

I try to model after my beloved teacher.
I will be happy when I leave this earth
as a role model for some people.
김형준 2006.06.12 03:22  
  I feel lucky for the fact that
I got to attend the church in high school.

It's like having a semi-permanent home
to go back to in my ever-floating, uncertain life.

I got to be close with the guy who was
the student president and we are still quite close
with each other.
김형준 2006.06.12 04:46  
  I got in contact with some of my former students.
I have deep affection for the students.

Two of them and I got together to have a meal
and pleasant conversation.

One of them scratched her arm as she hurried
herself to come to meet me. I felt sorry for her.

김형준 2006.06.12 04:49  
  The other student passed the first part of the exam
to be a professional diplomat and is currently waiting
for the result of the second part.

I sincerely pray that she will pass the exam
and realized her dream.

She went to the U. giving up to become a
Chinese(/Korean) medicine doctor.
She was accepted by a Chinese medical school,
but made her decision to go to the U. where
I had the honor to teach the gifted students.
김형준 2006.06.12 04:53  
  I would like to talk to the rest of the students
and see how they are doing.

One of them is trying to be a stylist.
A unique career. I hope she will achieve her goal.

One male student is working as a city government
official in Incheon.
김형준 2006.06.12 04:56  
  I had a fun bet today with a lady.
Do you remember the spelling for '후식'
in English?

I was trying to explain to some people
the spelling difference between 'desert(사막)'
and 'dessert(후식)'. The lady and some
others insisted those two words share
the same spelling. I said the latter had
two 'S's, but what could I do with no
dictionary in hand.

She wanted to have a bet with me,
and I gladly accepted the challenge.
The bet was to buy a thousand won
ice cream.

My mouth is already watering.
김형준 2006.06.12 04:58  
  Love is kind,
Love is long-enduring,
love is forgiving...........

I hope someday my life itself
becomes love
as God is love himself.
김형준 2006.06.12 04:59  
  What would you like to learn today?

Let's try to learn at least one per day.
What do you think of my suggestion?
김형준 2006.06.12 05:02  
  pure smile is the source of many things.

Why do people smile?

Happy smile makes most people happy.
Joyful smile makes many people joyful.

Smile more and get angry less and less.
김형준 2006.06.12 05:05  
  A Russian singer will hold a master class
of classical singing.

He's a high baritone.
I heard him sing some Russian songs.
I enjoyed one song in particular,
which was used as the theme song
for the popular drama 'sand clock'.
김형준 2006.06.12 10:25  
  Love is lively,
life is lovely.

To live beautifully,
love passionately.

How can you live a beautiful life?
Go deep into yourself
and ask for the answer to your inner self.
김형준 2006.06.12 12:14  
  Getting into argument is sometimes necessary,
thus it may be encouraged from time to time.

Of course, it would be best if
the parties can settle without any trace of hurt.

Why not try the diplomatic ways first
and see they help things get unentangled.
김형준 2006.06.12 22:52  
  A seventy some year old fellow
having a music lesson, gaining
more than any other persons who
had the lesson.

The teacher, a Russian baritone
the students, Koreans whose ages
range from the early fifties to the last seventies.

I enjoyed the envience.

김형준 2006.06.13 00:15  
  Japan almost won the Worldcup game
against Australia, but got defeated at the end.

three to one!

Wow! Hidink myth again starts.
Two Aussi players who came to play
later in the game made all three goals.

Two goals by Cahill, one goal by Elosi.

Congratulations, Hidink!
김형준 2006.06.13 00:20  
  One of the junior high student in the Sunday school
sang 'Catari' very well. I always enjoyed hearing him
sing the song.

I wonder what he does now.
I met him once after I entered univ.
He was a high school student.

I always hope his life is a good one.
김형준 2006.06.13 00:48  
  There are always reversals in dramas.
Without them the viewer will get bored.

Life also has reversals here and there.
Take the chance when you feel necessary
and push forward to get things done
to your satisfaction.

You won't regret even if you may
not the exact result you desired.
김형준 2006.06.13 00:51  
  When there was the night of literature,
literally translated
I decided read a poem.
I was not ready to write my own,
so I found another person's

The teacher who trained us for the festival
did not like the idea, but I went ahead
and tried my best to read it poetically.

twenty seven years later
an opportunity presented itself for me
to read my own poem.
But I presided the event, so
I let the chance slip away.

Instead I have a book published,
which contained two of my own poems.
김형준 2006.06.13 10:26  
  At the moment
the Worldcup game between the U.S.
and Cheko is on.
I guess I need to oberserve the game.
It's another golden opportunity
to learn the strategies of the game
and how human mind works.

Music and sports
What are the commonalities between those two?
김형준 2006.06.13 10:45  
  I am listening to some jazz songs.
I feel that the music is incomplete or lame.
Why do I have such an impression?

I have to think about it.

The jazz rhythm is rather gloomy to me.
That's possibly because I wasn't used
to listening to that genre of music all that often.

I hope I will get to have the hang of jazz someday.
김형준 2006.06.13 10:46  
  Love sometimes comes to a person
when (s)he expects it the least.

One has to be careful about whether
it's really a blessing or a damnnation
in disguise. One can't be cautious enough
especially if (s)he is not that young any more.
김형준 2006.06.13 10:58  
  I feel the passing of time keenly.

Maybe God wants me to use time

Even though I do not know when
the last moment on the earth will
be for me. It's already decided
and I will exit by then.

No one but God can change that.

God wants us to use time carefully.
김형준 2006.06.13 11:04  
  I met a person who is very considerate
of the others. He's completely opposite
of someone else who is so selfish and egotistic.

Life if short.
Let's live it to the benefit of us all!
김형준 2006.06.13 11:22  
  silent listeners, informants, agents!

Keep listening, keep reading.

You may learn one or two things
about a genuine person.

Not the people you face with everyday.

You, SIU folks!
Listen carefully.

I am a man of God.
If and when you pain a man of God
remember that there are all kinds of consequences.

Go read psalms
and see how men of God
ask him to side with them.

Go learn what God does to those
who harm his own people.
김형준 2006.06.13 11:24  
  Purpose-driven life,

Yes, without clear purposes
we are like walking dead sticks.

What are you?

Are you moral?
Are you good-hearted?

Or are you so self-centered
that you will be totally happy
if only your needs are met
regardless of the possibility
that others suffer due to your
greedy actions?
김형준 2006.06.13 11:27  
  Small folks need supporters
among the big people.

Democracy on the surface
looks to be a number game.

Yes, I agree with the notion,
but what kind of numbers
are we talking about?

Democracy means governing
by the people.

What about the economic sector?

Is it also governed by the same principle?
김형준 2006.06.13 11:30  
  Young David toppled gigantic Goliath
with a rock.

The statatistics was on the general's side.
How could David win the game?

Yes, His God was with him.

David was, according to the Bible,
someone God was pleased with.
김형준 2006.06.13 11:34  
  One time I told someone female I know
that I would like to get hold of the scores
of some musical songs.

She probably went out of her ways
to get them for me. I felt thankful and sorry
for her feeling I would have asked her
if she would go to all that trouble for me.

Anyway I will be singing all those songs,
I mean beautifully, to express my thankfulness
to her.

Thank you, lady!
김형준 2006.06.13 13:02  
  There are a lot of smart people around the world.
The folks with IQ 140 or above have the right
to join a group called MENSA.

We also meet geniuses here and there.
Maybe there are also different levels of geniuses.

The true geniuses among the geniuses
have the responsibility to prove themselves
by making positive contributions for the world.
김형준 2006.06.14 00:17  
  Korean beat Togo.

two to one!

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

The sweet joy of victory,
especially catching up and overriding.

There is a victor
and there is a loser.

Let's clap for the losers as well.
김형준 2006.06.14 00:19  
  Are you really trying to learn English?

Are you? Are you really?

Why do you want to improve your English?

What's the purpose?

You have to know the exact reasons for it first.
Face the facts and see if you are really willing.

Go for it and never turn around.

I am rooting for you, my fellow learners!
김형준 2006.06.14 12:30  
  I know a woman who is almost like
a professional opera singer.
She had a lot of private lessons
from Australian voice coaches.

She herself knows she can sing well.

The problem is her life situation
does not allow her to get engrossed
into singing fully.

Life seems to be unfair,
but we need to swim against
the tidal wave to survive and become bigger,
or just get totally swamped by the ocean waves.

Or just hide behind a wall
without finding out who we really are.

What's your choice going to be?
김형준 2006.06.15 02:25  
  A lot of talents go wasted
sometimes due to the fact
that the holders just do not know
they have them,
sometimes because of the fact
that the holders are not in a position
to utilize them or the society
is not willing to help them out
to realize what they are capable of
to make a contribution for the good
of the society.

Either way what a loss!
김형준 2006.06.16 09:49  
  'Moon River' sung by
Audrey Hebburn in 'A day at the Tiffany's'.

I had a chance to learn the song.
It was a sweet one.

'Moon river wider than a mile.....'

I will cheer for a woman
who will be singng the song
and several other ones next week.

Hope I can find the time to be there.
김형준 2006.06.17 20:30  
  I warmly welcome those who came
to check on my activities today.

Hope you guys enjoyed the music
as I did.
김형준 2006.06.18 04:02  
  Romance with music is never-ending story.
Music is not just earth-bound,
it's a beautiful cosmic phenomenon.

Rhythm, speed, height, depth......
김형준 2006.06.18 04:09  
  Ghana beat Cheko in the 2006 Worldcup game.
2 to 1

I just watched the high lights.
Cheko is, I heard, no. 2 in the FIFA ranks.


A big, big joy and celebration for the Ghaneans
and the whole Africa!

Africa, I congratulate you!

I hope Ghana will to the round of 16
and 8, eventually to the round of 4.

The rest is up in the air.
김형준 2006.06.19 16:37  
  I had to take a nap in order to watch
the soccer game between S. Korea
and France.

France one-sidedly managed the game
in the first half, but the Koreans fought back
as hard as they could and made it even.

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

It was worthwhile to stay up till the early morning
and cheer for the Korean fighters.
김형준 2006.06.19 16:38  
  Now I feel I am really on the way
to become a singer as good as
a professional classical singer.

God is leading me to be a masterful singer.
All I need to do is to use the excavated singing
talent for the glory of God.
김형준 2006.06.19 16:40  
  I felt the urge to study for college in my senior
hight school year.

But I did not know how to study
and my family's financial situation
did not permit me to dream of going
to college, either.

I was not dreaming, I was sleeping.

Since I was lukewarm in my endeavor to
prepare for the college entrance exam.
I had to retake the exam.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:00  
  Learning Jodo was fun
as I thought about my high school days.

The problem was that
I did not focus on studying,
which was the main reason to go to school.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:02  
  My cousin helped me out with English
for one or two months before the entrance exam
when I retook it.

I did not have a high score
as I did not have the right method to study.

'You harvest what you harvest.'
김형준 2006.06.19 18:03  
  I had zero confidence in English during the high school period.

I did not want to major in business administration
as I did not care for abacus, bookkeeping.

Typing was not disgussting.
However during that time typing was for the girls.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:04  
  It took me a while to figure out
what to major in.

With the help of some people close to me
I decided to study English as the major.

What an irony!

Why did I come to make that decision?

It's a mystery to me,
but I guess it was the will of God.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:05  
  I studied an English grammar book with
one of my Sunday school teacher.

I've met some guys who were of the same age
that time and I am still in contact with them.

One of them is a Christian minister.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:07  
  The problem with studying English
with the guy was that he himself wasn't
good at all with English and he had
to prepare himself to death to teach.

How could I gain any confidence about
the language when the blind led the blind?
김형준 2006.06.19 18:08  
  I was really happy to have some friends
even though my family moved back to
the Hwakokdong area in about eight, nine month time.

I wasn't happy at all about leaving the friends,
but what could I do as a high school kid.

I was just a kid, with no power to
change the parents' decision.
김형준 2006.06.19 18:10  
  I think I should have found a local church to go to
at least to be with other kids, but I was not
motivated to do so.

Thus back to solititude
without any local friend.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:27  
  Doing the same thing over and over again
may make people get accustomed to doing it
and become good at it eventually.

Keep knocking until the door opens.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:29  
  Recently an acquaintance of mine
came back from his trip to Buthan.
He said he went there to learn
something about the hapiness level.

I got suspicious about the kind
of happiness the Buthanese have.

Without the right to choose and feel free
the happiness may not be genuine one.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:30  
  Challenge needs to be met by response.
Without a proper response bigger challenges
may keep coming until the gate is broken.

Go out there and fight
until you die or the enemy withdraws.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:31  
  One week from now will see
another Korean art song gathering.

Who will come,
What will happen?

Hope things will work out for the better.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:33  
  I am so grateful
I have a close friend who is a Buddhist.

I can learn a lot about his religion
through him, for he is so knowledgeable.

He's a man of practice and theory
as far as Buddhism is concerned.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:35  
  Switzerland made one goal
in its fight against Togo.

I am not siding with any of those two.

Hope Korean will go to the round of 16
no matter what happens in the game.

I am proving myself to be a patriot, after all.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:37  
  I have to start studying the Korean history.

Do you know any good book, listeners?


Oh, I see. It's not your specialty.

I guess I will go to the megabookstores
and the used ones to pick some.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:39  
  I had two folks get to know each other.
I am not saying I played the role of a matchmaker.

I just wanted them to be friends
as their lost their spouses.

I put some space between them and me
so that they can breathe freely.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:41  
  The weather is nice generally speaking,
but today it was capricious.
I can't really say it was unruly,
but humans.

Without the airconditioning on
it was suffocating to sing in a close space.

Anyway I survived,
singing my heart out.
김형준 2006.06.19 22:42  
  I met a girm in a subway train
and initiated a conversation
as she was reading an English novel.

She immediately e-mailed me,
but I took some time to respond
to cool things off.

Timing is always important.

김형준 2006.06.20 00:57  
  Several students of mine, I mean
former students, expressed that
they loved watching a series called
'Friends'. I've always thought that
one should watch what one likes
especially in the beginning of his(/her)
foreign language studies and move
onto less fun, but useful subjects.

When I first watched a few episodes
of that program I blindly thought
that it was a comdedy. But it contained
a lot of everyday life of many people,
thus generating a collective interest
across the globe.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:00  
  Will some of the offensive players
play from the getgo in the Korea-Switzerland game?

The world witnessed Switzerland defeating Togo
two to one.

Now the Korean team must fight their upmost
to thwart the Swiss efforts to move to the next round.

Can we do it folks?
Yes, it's possible.

Again we need to have our collective energy
transferred to the bodies and spirits of the players.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:02  
  I still have wonderful memories of the American
captain I drove for. He stayed with me for a full year
and we went through a lot of things thick and thin.

Are you still in Georgia?

Someday we may get together again.
I do care for you!
Do remember that.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:07  
  I see that there are a lot of reality shows
in the States which are very well-accepted
by the viewers.

I sometimes watch some of them like
'the Beauty and the Geeks', 'the Apprentice',
'Do you think you can dance?', 'American Idol',
'Runway', 'Supermodel', etc.

They are educational to me as the participants
are not entertainers, but the commoners
who join the shows for various reasons.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:10  
  Meetings of minds are quite fun,
only if the minds are bright enough.

I miss the rabbi I met a few times
when he came over to the church
in Pasadena to give talks.

A wise man deeply involved with
the social justice and peace.

Will I follow his footstep someday?
김형준 2006.06.20 01:11  
  I used to go to the LA Phil concerts
at the last moments.

Why? Because they had a huge
discount for the students.

The chance to get a good seat was
always high. I never regretted my decision
to go there.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:13  
  One of my junior high friends came to Seoul
about three decades ago staying at his
aunt's place.
He wanted me to find a girl for him.

Well, that was not something I would normally do,
but I went along with his idea because I
wanted to help out.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:15  
  I loved having the opportunities to
actually live with the American GIs
in the military.

I not only learned English
but also I got to learn a subculture
and life of Some Americans
I got in contact with
when I worked as a KATUSA.

Its impact is still ongoing in my life
and the lives I come in contact with.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:18  
  languages have fascinated me all along.
I just hope that I will be free from the worries
about the things that really do not count in
my life and move on to serious studies.

There are so many things to learn and to share with.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:19  
  What would have happened if I could find
a French-speaking church in L.A.
while I was there?

Would I be able to speak the language a little better?

I haven't given up the hope to speak the language
fluently yet.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:37  
  What are the things you did today?

Were they meaningful?
김형준 2006.06.20 01:38  
  Can anybody feel
that (s)he can forgive all?

If (s)he can (s)he's already a saint.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:38  
  Are you a mania for something?

What is it that you care for so much?
Is it really good for you?
김형준 2006.06.20 01:39  
  One has to take a break once in a while
if one wants to continue to function productively
and not burn out.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:40  
  A friend of mine will start his career
as a defense lawyer pretty soon.

A long career of public service.
I hope his new business will flourish.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:41  
  A woman's wish to help the students
to get better and better always moves me.

I do my best to not disappoint her.
She's a good teacher.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:42  
  Some women just had a joint concert.
I couldn't go to it because I had another
meeting at that time.

Hope they did really well.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:43  
  I recently met three Filipinos.
They were overpolite and
I felt embarrassed.
Was I like them to Americans?
Even to the degree of subservience?

I hope not.
I do not believe I was like that.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:45  
  Will I get the invitation I want?
I want to go back to the place
where I felt humiliated
and prove that I am not a wimp.

We will see.
Let's wait and find out.
김형준 2006.06.20 01:46  
  What will I show to my (former) students
to help them be more enthusiastic about
the things they learn with me.

I will try to do my best in memoriztions of
the bible verses, with the wisdom from God.

김형준 2006.06.20 01:47  
  Dear God!
I am weak,
but you are strong.

I always need your guidance
and help.

Please be with me
and punish the people who torture me.

I pray in Jesus' name.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:33  
  Love is flower, a beautiful flower.
The flower of love helps people live,
Live a beautiful life.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:34  
  Forgiving is easy to say,
but hard to practice.

How can we forgive someone
or some people who attacked our integrity
as humans?

It's a grand homework.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:35  
  Do you love yourself?

I hope you do.
Go deep down your heart
and ask yourself.

No one else is around
so you can be totally honest.

Do you love yourself?
김형준 2006.06.20 10:35  
  Is beauty really skin deep?

My answer to that is
beauty if soul deep.

김형준 2006.06.20 10:36  
  Love is....

김형준 2006.06.20 10:36  
  Life is....

full of surprises.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:38  
  Do you understand yourself?

Check the things out.

Learning to be aware of who we are
is a life-long task.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:38  
  Center of gravity

on our body
is around the waist.

Do you agree?

김형준 2006.06.20 10:39  
  In order to generate the power
we need to accomplish tasks at hand
we need to find a way to get the power
from that area of the body.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:40  
  Are there people who have followed me so far?

If there are I thank you for your devotion.

I guarantee you that you will get to learn
something meaningful about life
if you continue to do so.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:41  
  Moses is a mentor for me.
He did not go his way
when God called.

He wasn't sure about himself
at first, but obeyed God's will.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:48  
  A student of mine stayed with me
through e-mails for a quite a while
and left for now.

I am glad in some sense that
she became rebellious and went incommunicado.

She needs to be independent in her thinking
for her own sake.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:49  
  She was quite in the beginning.
I did not know her existence in class,
but slowly began to understand
that she might have the potential
to become a giant of some height.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:50  
  She wasn't good at English grammar,
she wasn't good at English speaking.

In the beginning.

She started surpass the other students
as time went by.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:52  
  Busybodies are everywhere.

Nosing around other people's business
when it's not welcomed.

Minding one's own business
is the first step to become wise.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:54  
  A friend of mine went to Malaysia
in the spring, with his wife.

In the middle of the conversation
I knew that the trip was to celebrate
his sixtieth birthday.

김형준 2006.06.20 10:56  
  I took French neither in high school
nor in college.

But I knew French was important
if one wants to be accepted by
the circle of the influential people
around the world, especially the

I sat in a French class while in the grat school.
I enjoyed the teacher using French only
even though he was American himself.
김형준 2006.06.20 10:58  
  A one fith of American Indian...

A white guy runs a Monte Sori school
which tells about the American natives
to the kids who go to school in Chicago.

In the middle of nowhere.

I was there for a few days
and learned about the Indian life
and the life of the guy's family too.
김형준 2006.06.20 11:00  
  A lot of people loved the show called
'Sex and the City'.

The city here means New York.

Four girls living in New York
going through fun, painful love lives.

The main character is a sex columnist.
김형준 2006.06.21 00:00  
  I am having few episodes due to my passion for singing.
I have be careful not to bother other people when I sing.

Memorizing the words is not that easy, but is necessary
if one wants to express the right kind of feelings that
the songs project.
김형준 2006.06.21 02:59  
  Keep on writing until you feel natural
about writing on anything and everything.

Keep on singing until you feel like
singing all the time without feeling any pressure.

Being natural is the way to the masterhood.

김형준 2006.06.21 03:01  
  Are you rich?

If you are do give more.
That's the social responsibility.

Are you poor?

If you are stay confident
and never give up your hope
to live a wonderful life,

김형준 2006.06.21 03:02  
  Some people think they
belong to the downtrodden
even though they belong to the priviledged.

Why is that the case?

Are they being overambitious?
김형준 2006.06.21 03:04  
  Is Dangun a real figure or a mythical one?
If he is a real one then we are descendents
of a(/the) god.

The time is now, the past and the future.
We have to be able to live through the
wholeness of the history to get a better
picture of where we are at the moment
and where we will go eventually
or where we want to.
김형준 2006.06.21 03:07  
  I was walking on a isolate street with a Korean friend.
A French guy was heading toward us,
looking terribly scared.

Did I look that scary?

I wondered what made him feel terrified.
Well, I must say the guy I was with looked somewhat nasty.

All of sudden, the young French man
started running fast.

It was a hilarious situation
and I couldn't help but laughing.

I felt sorry for the guy, though.
I might have felt similar
if I were in his situation.
김형준 2006.06.21 03:08  
  Night time became my friend
since the 2002 traffic accident.

I would have been so much happier
if I could have regular sleep.

I just thank God for whatever
he laid in front of me.
김형준 2006.06.22 19:00  
  I met a teacher.
I am certain he will be so helpful
in my efforts to become a master artist.

I have to prepare myself enthusiastically
to learn everything from him.

I thank God for the encounter.
김형준 2006.06.22 19:01  
  Learning is possible for the students of all ages,
only if one's willing to learn something new.

There are so many things to learn in the world,
making living a fruitful adventure.
김형준 2006.06.22 19:03  
  If you are in a thorny relationship
try to stay away from the person
for a certain period of time.

Wait and see if the affection you had
toward that person comes back to you.
If that's the case you may want to
resume the relationship.

Otherwise, it's time to move on
and drift away from the person
without hesitation.

Time will tell.
김형준 2006.06.23 06:26  
  Japan's fallen.

Brazil 4, Japan 1

The Japanese fans went wild
when their teams had the first goal.

Life is vainglory.

After less than one hour and a half
we all can see how the fans react
after the game's over.

Do we sort of feel like gods or prophets?

Back to the Future
김형준 2006.06.24 11:39  
  The Worldcup madness witnessed its sunset
at least for Koreans.

Korean players did quite well.
The referee one-sidedly worked for the Swiss.

Time to move on
and find loftier goals for the nation.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:41  
  How is the life of Don Qixote depicted
in the form of ballet?

I am quite curious.
What kind of music is used for Mr. Qixote?

Let's find out.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:43  
  Japanese came into my life quite some time ago.
I am not saying I am good at the language yet.
But it's safe to say that I have the basics and
can anytime learn the language within a short period of time.

What is at issue here is whether
I will have some situations where I need the language.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:46  
  Russian orthodox church service was unique to watch.
All the worshippers remain standing all through the service.
The choir keeps on singing and the lead singer leads the service.

Priase the Lord and God Almighty!

That's the main theme for any Christian worship.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:49  
  The Italian art songs are relatively easier to sing
than the Korean counterparts.

I wondered why that's the case.
I came to understand the reason is
because Italian has a limited number of monothongs
when it comes to the vowel while Korean has
a complex set of vowels.

Connecting the vowels is the crucial thing in singing.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:51  
  An acquaintance of mine is over eighty,
but is still going very strong doing all kinds of things.

He once told me that's his destiny.
I do agree with him. He's an extraordinary person.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:53  
  I have to think more than twice
before I decided to help some people.

I felt betrayed by the people for whom
I spent a lot of time and energy.

Those experiences help me be wiser.

김형준 2006.06.24 11:54  
  Today someone's gettting married.

I guess I should use a plural.
Imagine how many people are going to be married today.
Imagine also how many people are dying at the same time.

That's life.

Life is mixed with life, death, illness, getting older.
Life's still beautiful, with a clearly limited lifespan for the humans.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:56  
  Love is forgiveness.

God forgives you, listeners
only if you sincerely repent
and turn away from your sins.

Do not bother the men of God.
Otherwise, God will punish you.

God is just.
김형준 2006.06.24 11:57  
  Summer is not just around the corner.
It's already with us.

What's THE thing you want to achieve
during this season of passion?

Love-seeking, pleasure-seeking,
goodwill-seeking, wellbeing-seeking?

What's your choice?
김형준 2006.06.24 12:08  
  A former student of mine passed the first and
second exams to be a diplomat finishing
the last exam quite recently, which is an interview.

Some people will fail the interview.
seventeen, eighteen percent failure.
Hope she will pass.
She deserves it.

Folks, select the people based on their capabilities,
not by which school they graduate from.

It's time to change.
김형준 2006.06.27 07:59  
  Caring about the others in public is absolutely necessary. What is not needed is just being purely selfish.

Time's short, thus why don't we try to be more helpful?
김형준 2006.06.27 08:02  
  I was not happy about a guy being abusive with the pretext that
he's in charge. Was he really in leadership? If he was in the driver's position then the group is in it deep.

A leader must be caring and be extra careful not to hurt other people's
김형준 2006.06.28 12:07  
  Dear heavenly father!
Please guide me and guard me.

Punish those who keep bothering me.
Let them repent.

Please recover my health, mental and physical.

Let me be diligent and learn your will.

I pray in Jesus' name. Amen!
김형준 2006.06.28 12:10  
  About a year ago
I was invited to a meeting where a small group of semi-professional
singers get together on a monthly basis practicing.
I sang two songs, but I had to stop in the middle of the second song
as I felt I sang sharp. Of  course I felt humiliated.

I went back to their meeting and sang three songs
and did not stop until the end even though my voice was cracking.
It was sort of a healing process.
I do not think I sang well, but it's a beginning.
김형준 2006.06.28 12:29  
  A genius is lonesome.
Why did God plant 'genius' in me?

I do not know the reason,
but what is certain is that God wants me to
use the brightness he presented for the greater goods.

Please guide me, God!
I do love you.
김형준 2006.06.29 10:29  
  Reading takes determination.
Without patience and continued interest
one can't enjoy reading over an extentive time.
김형준 2006.06.30 19:16  
  I am beginning to understand a little something
about musicals. I feel fortunate that I can move
harmoniously with the young, not falling behind
at least through the music they love and I care for.
김형준 2006.07.01 10:43  
  Purchasing scorebooks is something fun.
Seek what you need there are enough providers.
김형준 2006.07.12 09:06  
  I wonder if a person who wants to use the other person's
talents for nothing is a good friend. Especially when the
other person is in great need, financially speaking.