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연주.감상후기, 등업요청, 질문, 제안, 유머, 창작 노랫말, 공연초대와 일상적 이야기 등 주제와 형식, 성격에 관계없이 쓸 수 있습니다.
단, 영리 목적의 광고성 정보는 금지하며 무단 게재할 경우 동의없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
기존의 회원문단은 자유게시판으로 통합되었습니다.

Why Should I Call You More Often?

김형준 14 769
I know, I know
I should have called you more often.
Time flows like the newest fighter jet.

Were you disappointed as I did not call you more frequently?
It was unavoidable.
No choice of mine, but the order of the universal spirit.
I was led to concentrate on one thing, which is singing.
How could I ever explain that to you? How?

Life changes....
People start having separate lives....
Like you and me....

My spirit has no boundary,
I mean my imaginative power.
I am with you now as I was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Be happy!
I want you to be happy
with whatever you do.
So long, my friend!
김형준 2007.04.29 01:34  
  Time can't bind me.
I am free, and will be forever.
Being wrapped up by the holiest spirit
Means my spirit will stay in the universe, somewhere in it
Now and forever.

The chosen spirits will live on with no limit.
김형준 2007.04.29 01:41  
  Most people are busy with whatever they do -
drinking, golfing, sexying, sleeping, hiking, singing,
badmouthing, selfserving, loving, sharing, et cetera et cetera....

What are you busy with?
I am busying trying to find out what the will of God is for my life.
I am all ears these days.
Please speak to me, my mind is tuned for your message.
산처녀 2007.04.29 23:48  
alkisuiun hankukmallo hajusaeyo
김형준 2007.04.30 00:50  
  To dear mountain lady
Thanks for dropping by.
It's the time of globalization
and I believe using English should be common
for all of us.
I decided to write stories in English and in Korean
depending on their contents.

김형준 2007.04.30 10:08  
  Life of some people are busy all the time.
Is that why they created the word 'busybody.'
At times I stop and wonder why those people
are so busy or pretend to be busy,
especially when there are people around.

Look at me, Look at me, Loooooook at Meeeee!

They are begging for attention.
I look and observe to see what they want.

It's just vainglory they pursue.
김형준 2007.04.30 11:19  
  Meeting a person is just like experiencing a new universe,
Universe that centers around that person.

Some people are so ego-centric and never bother to
Look around to see if there are other beings.

Stop and look, at least once in a while,
And see if there are beings bigger and deeper, wider than thee.

That's the only way to grow.
김형준 2007.05.01 00:54  
  Happiness and sadness came into my life

I did not get thwarted by it.
C'est la vie.

I guess I tend to accept things as they are
more easily nowadays.
김형준 2007.05.01 21:29  
  Please do remember that I love you!

I love you as you are,
Regardless of your age, nationality, personality, etc.

Love makes the lover blind.
To the mind's eye of a beautiful person
Everything's beautiful.
김형준 2007.05.02 10:30  
  Psychological wandering is a way to get mature.
Without maturing one can't get full freedom of expression
no matter what kind of art (s)he is involved with.
김형준 2007.05.03 11:13  
  Girls loves gentle-hearted men.
Is that a kind of 'father complex'.
Missing father who was not there for them
when they were young and needed protection.

Power sucks girls' attention
and draws them to apprently powerful men.

Something to give is the power they are after.

Money, political power, voice, sexual energy, etc....
김형준 2007.05.04 10:19  
  There is time to choose.
What you do it up to you,
but try to be wise in prioritizing the things you do.

It may change your entire life.
김형준 2007.05.05 12:56  
  I know you're interested in having me as your friend.
Your life is full of mystery from my part, but I'm trying to
understand you as you are and like you as you are.
We can't change each other at this point of our lives' adventure.

Love is not to change, but to accept and understand.
김형준 2007.05.05 23:25  
  Making money out of a friend is something
not very desirable and not very recommendable
even if one deserves the reward of one's labor
no matter who the employer may be.

I guess I will have an opportunity to give it all back,
someday, if God's willing.
김형준 2007.05.11 02:56  
  Calling you sometimes makes me so sad.
What is love?
Love is the end of loneliness and its beginning.