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Don't Take Things for Granted! (우리말 요약 있슴다)

김형준 2 1110
Don't Take Things for Granted!
                                                          by Hyungjun Kim

Do you feel quite disappointed
if and when you come to the realization
that the relationship you have with another human being
is not as tight as you have imagined to be?

One of the people I've felt close to for quite some time
holds the position of directorship in a civic organization
whose goals are to help the people in needs who live
in Korea as well as in other parts of Asia. The organization,
as expected, hosts an annual fund raising event
and one of the responsibilities of the directors is to
sell the tickets. My acquaintance was asked to sell
twenty tickets and the price of a ticket is sixty thousand won.
He told me he never charged for the tickets which he gave away
free of charge every year without exception, meaning
that he will be paying one million twenty thousand won
out of his  own pockets for the twenty tickets
he is obligated to take care of.

I thought I would ask him for a ticket for free
blindly thinking that our relationship is so close
that it's not shameful to ask for it. Boy, Wasn't I
in for a big shock! Without any hesitation
he blurted out saying the tickets are not for anybody.
I emphasize the word 'anybody'. I've never thought
I would be considered to be 'anybody' for him.
He said he has to get his wife's approval
on the issue of to whom to distribute the tickets.

I was shocked to hear what he said and immediately
regretted the fact that I asked for a free ticket. It was a
moment of a 'cold' reality check. Why did I bother
to dig a hole which was hard to get out of.
Well, on the other hand I have to admit
that it was helpful to find out where
the relationship stands for the moment.

Did he think that he made a mistake of not considering
how I would feel upon hearing his remarks? He momentarily said
I wouldl be asked to come to the event by the organizers
as they wanted me to perform a rather crucial role
for them. I was one time asked to hold the position
of the chairpersonship of the PR & Publication committee
by the person who was formerly in charge.
Due to my personal situation I had to regretfully turn down
the offer and he soon passed away to my surprise.

My acquaintance was joking. He heard before
that I was offered the job and was simply referring to it.
I felt odd, though, about why he would mention
that out of nowhere? Maybe he did that just
to let the awkward moment pass. I somehow felt
he was in a way getting a kick at my expense.
I must say, at this point, he is not a complicated man.
We should always try to look at the positive side of
every human being. I let the incident pass
with no obvert protest. I couldn't honestly wash away
the uneasy, mortifitying feelings I was under.

I learned an important lesson through the episode.

'Don't "ever" take things for granted!'
'I mean NEVER!'

Even though I thought the relationship between my
acquaintance and I was close it was not wise to
ask for a free lunch. In this case 'a free dinner'.

Is there a free lunch for anybody or any relationship?
If so please DO let me know.
Until then I should be extra careful
not to take things for granted in any situation.'

김형준 2006.11.03 15:52  
  윗 글을 우리말로 요약하면 다음과 같습니다:

시민단체의 임원으로 계신 어느 분이 있습니다.
여느 다른 단체들 처럼 연말이 되면
이 단체도 후원행사를 개최합니다.
단체 임원들의 의무 중에서 가장 중요한 것의 하나는
후원행사 티켓을 파는 것입니다.
장당 6만원인 티켓이 이 분에게 20장이 배당되었습니다.
즉, 120만원 어치를 팔아야 하는 것이지요.

이분은 다행히 경제 사정이 넉넉하기에
표값을 자기 주머니에서 직접 내고
표들은 친분이 있는 주변분들에게 무료로 나누어 주곤 하십니다.
이 말을 들은 어느 분이
'무료로 나누어 주는 것이면
나도 한 장 달라고 해야겠다'
라고 생각을 하셨습니다. 그리고는 표를 가진 분에게
'그럼 저도 한 장 주세요!'라고 말했습니다.

그러자 표를 가진 분 왈,
'아무에게나 주는 것이 아닙니다.'
표를 달라고 한 분의 목이 한 자나 쑥 들어갔습니다.
참 머쓱한 느낌을 받은 것이지요.
'아, 나는 우리가 참 친하다고 생각해서
스스럼 없이 부탁했는데 아무에게나 주는 것이 아니라니.
그럼 나는 이 사람에게 여태까지 그저 '아무'로
느껴졌었단 말인가!'

참 크나큰 자괴감이 들었습니다.
괜히 표 달라고 했다가 챙피만 당한 것입니다.

영어에 'free lunch'라는 말이 있는데,
우리말로는 '공짜'라는 뜻입니다.
아무리 친해도 '공짜'를 잘 못 바랐다가는
낭패가 날 수도 있다는 것을 말해 주는 일화입니다.

제목인 'Don't take things for granted!'는
'아무 것도 당연하게 받아들이지 마세요!'라는 뜻입니다.
김형준 2006.11.08 08:06  
  표를 주겠단다.
wife와 상의 끝에 한 장 주고 싶단다.
받지 않겠다고 해도 주려고 했다.

해결책이 나타났다.
전혀 예상치 않던 사람이 무료로 표를 주었다.
'free lunch'도 세상에는 있단 말인가!
서로 체면 상하지 않고 일이 해결되었다.